Welcome To Earth.


Staff member
I've just watched Welcome To Earth again and still can't work out what they are supposed to be throwing at John Cleese.
Yes, I've never had wild washed turnips to lob when I've needed them. ( To which many people are very grateful ;) )
Pretend Rocks get my vote , price of veg now BBC couldn't afford turnips if they decided to remake as part of this celebration for 60 years of sitcom . Having said that when they publish the financial details of the Corporation employees that Teresa May is pushing for we will see first hand how much they are paying for Turnips and some of the other so called talent they employ! ;)
Too round and smooth to be rocks, and about 5 or 6 seem to
be growing right in front of Foggy. And yes, they do seem
to bounce a bit as well.
Can you see an assistant special effects person dropping in at the local supermarket and purchasing turnips to be used as ammo? What usually bounces, is small and round, and can be thrown?? Could they have thrown small plastic balls?
I've just watched Welcome To Earth again and still can't work out what they are supposed to be throwing at John Cleese.
I wonder if it could be these: Calvatia gigantea, commonly known as the giant puffball, is a puffball mushroom commonly found in meadows, fields, and deciduous forests usually in late summer and autumn. It is found in temperate areas throughout the world.
I found a picture that looks like them but I don't know how to insert a picture .
I assumed they were turnips, though those mushroom things look possible.

Wouldn't be rocks, they don't throw rocks, real or fake, in LOTSW.