Wesley's Vehicle Collection

Some elaborate details on that. Having trouble seeing Edi tolerate Wesley having a hearse. This is not In Loving Memory, in which Dame Thora plays an undertakers widow who runs the business - another show I really enjoy. :)
Having trouble seeing Edi tolerate Wesley having a hearse

Sadly Wesley went ahead and bought it from his friend who owned it . He paid cash and sneakily took one of Edie's prized ornaments shown below which his friend had admired for years to sweeten the deal . It was bought for her by a dear friend whilst in Spain and is a depiction if King Dominic a ruler in Spain and was made by LLadro.


When he arrived back with the vehicle Edie went absolutely ballistic . " Wesley Pegden !!!!! You did what you bought that monstrosity , not only that you took my best ornament and gave it to your mate. How Could you !!! You gave your best mate My King Dom for a Hearse!" :fp::tw: