What Happened to the Suitcase


Staff member
In Glamour of the uniform Pearl packs Howard's suitcase, when Howard meets Marina in his uniform at the supermarket, the trio leaves and we see Compo pick the case up, in the next scene the trio are back at Howard's house with no suitcase, what happened to it
Appears they called at the pub and an argument ensued between Foggy and Compo regarding who was paying for the drinks which concluded with these immortal words from Compo " Listen Delilah I've no money do I look like I've got money dressed like this ? All my hard earned cash is invested in the 4.30 at Kempton Park I rest my case !! :eek::fp:" . Cleggy ,of course, bought the drinks and in the heat of the situation they forgot to pick it up :08:
We discussed this before , in all the excitement of Howard in his uniform it must have been " misplaced":13:
Talking of misplaced and suitcases I was once on nightshift and my co-worker took a call from his wife to say he must come home urgently because their youngest son had disappeared from his bed and his wife was panicking . His wife said she put him to bed as normal at 8.30 and had gone to check on him at 10 to find him missing . She had looked all over no sign .

In the end he was found . Within his room they stored their suitcases and it appeared he had got out of bed and climbed into the largest of their suitcases and pulled the lid shut behind him . His wife had found him curled up fast asleep, luckily just before my co-worker was about to set off home as it was a 25 mile round trip. Had he done so I imagine he would have been less than pleased.