What other forums are you on?


Staff member
Although this is clearly the very best forum on this earth what other forums do you post on!?

I'm a member of a Hifi & a camper van forum as they're 2 of my other pastimes, although I post much less frequently than here. Interestingly neither has anywhere near the camaraderie of this site and they can often get unpleasant with disagreements and getting political which I hate. Because one has paid subscribers, the moderators never seem to do much as clearly they don't wish to lose paying members. I find these sorts of sites are often just used as free reference libraries, ie a new member joins asks a series of questions, get their answers and they're never seen again! This site is very different as it's a true community, although we still get new members asking where such and such location is and never see them again :D
Our show is an intrinsic part of my being.....it makes me [and us !!] happy when skies are grey.....without is I would be a rudderless ship.....it keeps me sane.....it give me invaluable life lessons and gives me a glimpse into a world I would LOVE to reside in.
I NEED to watch it every night.......it simply puts me in a good place and enables me to sleep.
If I awake,I put "our show" back on....and I drift back to my happy place and sleep soundly.......ABSOLUTE FACTS !!....so Barry.....I am 100% loyal to our amazing,life changing,groundbreaking,BEAUTIFUL website.
There's nothing to compare to this forum, but I'm a member of a large number of Facebook groups: Cochlear Implant Daily Rehab; Dunford Bridge Community; Oticon Hearing Aids Users Group; What's on in Holmfirth; Holmfirth Community Group; Undervalued British Women Novelists 1930-1960; Barbara Pym Fan Club; Grandchildren of Ruth and Hazen Dennis; Holmfirth history; Nuneaton & Bedworth Local & Family History - Notes & Queries; Painted Hills Genealogy Society; Last of the Summer Wine Forever; First Of The Summer Wine.

I don't have much to contribute to any of those groups, but I'm interested in some of the conversations.
There's nothing to compare to this forum, but I'm a member of a large number of Facebook groups: Cochlear Implant Daily Rehab; Dunford Bridge Community; Oticon Hearing Aids Users Group; What's on in Holmfirth; Holmfirth Community Group; Undervalued British Women Novelists 1930-1960; Barbara Pym Fan Club; Grandchildren of Ruth and Hazen Dennis; Holmfirth history; Nuneaton & Bedworth Local & Family History - Notes & Queries; Painted Hills Genealogy Society; Last of the Summer Wine Forever; First Of The Summer Wine.

I don't have much to contribute to any of those groups, but I'm interested in some of the conversations.
I was in Bedworth a few weeks ago for the first time ever, the part I visited certainly isn't anything to write home about!
I was in Bedworth a few weeks ago for the first time ever, the part I visited certainly isn't anything to write home about!
The Nuneaton and Bedworth (Bed'uth) conurbation is a dead coal mining and industrial area. It's nothing like it was in 1637, when my ancestor, Edward Wood, left for Charlestown, Mass. It isn't even as lively as it was in the 1950s, when there was still employment to be had down the pits and at Courtauld's mill, where rayon yarn was made.

Several years ago I spent a week in Nuneaton, to attend a Family History Society meeting, and to visit the few remaining historical sites. I wandered around the town and chatted with a few people who picked up on my American accent and wondered what on earth could have brought me there. The interior of the parish church retains some features that my ancestors would have been familiar with, so that was worth spending quite a lot of time.
I dip occasionally onto Gallifreybase for Dr Who news , mooch around Roobarbs forum - classic film and TV - and an active part of the Knightmare.com community.