Where's Wesley?


Staff member
I've watched Happy Birthday Howard from UK Gold, and Gordon Wharmby is listed in the end credits, but I'm fairly sure he isn't in the episode. Have I missed him or was the episode truncated for TV and his scene taken out?
I've watched Happy Birthday Howard from UK Gold, and Gordon Wharmby is listed in the end credits, but I'm fairly sure he isn't in the episode. Have I missed him or was the episode truncated for TV and his scene taken out?
Your right he is in the credits, does not appear in the DVD version either
I'm guessing then he was probably in the original script but then his scenes were cut. When they were looking for a form of transport for the panda, I thought they may have used Wesley to design something. Only a theory but perhaps they decided upon the wheelchair last minute as we don't know where that came from?
He dies in 2002 and the episode went out in 2003. His last episode was It Began With a Volvo Headlight.
Oh good grief I'm thinking on the Secret birthday of Norman Clegg!! Don't mind me I'm having a really bad day! Roger you're right. Ignore me I'm going back to bed!
Some of the titles are very easy to misinterpret but after 295 episodes I suppose that's inevitable.