Who is this?

Mike Brady's first wife.
You got it!. I have no idea though where they sourced the picture. Wondering if there's any trivia (a director or stagehand brought one in...it's an actual actress, etc). My research is, the world will never know. Either way Mike tells Bobby he doesn't have to hide it but no mention is made of this person for the rest of the series.

You got it!. I have no idea though where they sourced the picture. Wondering if there's any trivia (a director or stagehand brought one in...it's an actual actress, etc). My research is, the world will never know. Either way Mike tells Bobby he doesn't have to hide it but no mention is made of this person for the rest of the series.

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On the subject of sourcing old pictures, I noticed that in the Keeping Up Appearances episode where Hyacinth becomes a hostess, Rose is going through pictures of her old boyfriends and one of them is of her and Harold Snoad - the director/producer!
On the subject of sourcing old pictures, I noticed that in the Keeping Up Appearances episode where Hyacinth becomes a hostess, Rose is going through pictures of her old boyfriends and one of them is of her and Harold Snoad - the director/producer!
it's quite common for photos of the crew to be used in shows for "background" photos, like the criminals in police mug shots! It's cheaper than paying for stock photos!
it's quite common for photos of the crew to be used in shows for "background" photos, like the criminals in police mug shots! It's cheaper than paying for stock photos!
Yes having read Harold Snoads book about KUA you soon realise how important economics are in any production. For example I learned that all the footage you hear from Onslow's TV was specially recorded to avoid the cost of royalties.
Yes having read Harold Snoads book about KUA you soon realise how important economics are in any production. For example I learned that all the footage you hear from Onslow's TV was specially recorded to avoid the cost of royalties.
"Actually" (I hate that word) ... Mr Snoad might have mis-remembered or not know the source of at least some of the clips on Onslow's TV. In the pilot, first broadcast on 29th October 1990, Onslow is watching the 1968 Western film with Sean Connery and Brigitte Bardot, "Shalako". It's possible it was only in the pilot they allowed themselves the luxury of paying for a clip. This isn't my research, but from someone working for the BBC that obsesses over little details that no one else cares about! This snippet of info comes from John J. Hoare's blog post: I LOVE DOING RESEARCH, PART TWO. He has promised to research all the other shows on Onslow's TV!
"Actually" (I hate that word) ... Mr Snoad might have mis-remembered or not know the source of at least some of the clips on Onslow's TV. In the pilot, first broadcast on 29th October 1990, Onslow is watching the 1968 Western film with Sean Connery and Brigitte Bardot, "Shalako". It's possible it was only in the pilot they allowed themselves the luxury of paying for a clip. This isn't my research, but from someone working for the BBC that obsesses over little details that no one else cares about! This snippet of info comes from John J. Hoare's blog post: I LOVE DOING RESEARCH, PART TWO. He has promised to research all the other shows on Onslow's TV!
He does say in his book that it was costing a fortune so I guess he switched to custom made 'programmes' at some stage. He interestingly said that the reason Onslow was often seen watching horse racing was the royalties were much lower!

Do you have Harolds book It's Bouquet not Bucket? it's a really insightful read?
He does say in his book that it was costing a fortune so I guess he switched to custom made 'programmes' at some stage. He interestingly said that the reason Onslow was often seen watching horse racing was the royalties were much lower!

Do you have Harolds book It's Bouquet not Bucket? it's a really insightful read?
I don't have the book, yet ... someone might buy if for me as a present!