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Here's a light hearted post. Just a bit of fun. It's a sort of six degrees of separation thing. What's the link between Compo and Pink Floyd?
I know the episode you mean. I think it was called 'Into The Wild Blue Yonder', but no that's not it, although I like that. Here's the link,
Compo - Kenneth Cope (appeared in Lotsw) - Mike Pratt (Kenneth Cope starred with Mike Pratt in popular series Randall And Hopkirk) - Guy Pratt (son of Mike Pratt and David Gilmours bass player) - David Gilmour - Pink Floyd. Hope that's clarified that.

Have a nice day
Life....Grab It...Don't Waste It...Death Is Always Happy In His Job, And Utterly Lacks Discernment!!!
Was Kenneth Cope looking for Elvis?
Hope you are having a good day. Pop in and say 'Hello'.They won't bite, they can't, I've pinched all their teeth. :37::37::37::18:
Hi, Emma.
Really sorry to hear that you were in an accident. Sounds like you are on the mend since you say you are starting to get out and about again. You have my best wishes to a speedy and full recovery, all the best to you. It is good to see you on the forums again.
Hello, RickAns,
I had a devastating accident a while back, and have been holed up in my house for quite some time. Just now venturing out...
Hi,Im trying to remember the episode where Ely ends up walking a moving lorry outside sids cafe??....can anyone help me remember. Thanks
Might have been Camera Shy James
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You are speaking of the A-Z aren't you. We 've been repeating some for a while. Particularly the end set X Y Z .
Hi Dick, I think we will soon run out of one liners, don`t you? But we will keep going.
Hi John, haven't been on here in a while, just wanted to say hi. I am going to make myself get on more often. Have a great day!
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Hi Brenda, I noticed you were not on as much. It's hard to find the time sometimes for sure. You have a great day too!
Married to Mary, three kids, boy 31, girl 28, boy 25, two grandkids, girl 8, boy 6 Love Summerwine, Music, technology and my Motorbike.