Glenda's skirt


Having recently bought all the dvds ... except the last one ... I have noticed that 'our Glenda' only ever appeared to have ONE skirt ... that colourless grey one ... anyone else ever notice this?

I appreciate how they appeared year after year in the same overcoats (that plaid one of Nora's lights into my mind) but surely wardrobe could have stumped up for a change for her ...
She only has 4 or 5 different jumpers too. I think she shares the skirt with Pearl, who wears it with the grey cardigan.
Must be a standard BBC issue.

Barry only ever wore the one tie when he came back, it was available from M & S. I had one similar but another colourway.

Glenda's skirt is a sensible one, looked as if it still had years of wear left in it! 8) 8) 8)
Until this came up I had not really noticed but now I watch to see and your right ,talk about cheapskate I suppose Barry being dozy did not notice.
we did see Glenda in a red evening dress and an Egyptian costume, but agreed, rare to see her in anything but a dowdy skirt and a very middle aged top, even when she was in her thirties...grew into them though !! :)
My favourite Glenda costume was the racing leathers in "Life in the Fast Lane" ::) Very fetching! ;) ;)
Just watched The Experiment in which Glenda is wearing a rather
attractive dark striped shirt -- with her usual gray top.
Shame - I do not have that one on DVD, still on my off-air recording on VHS. Will have to find tape SW46 from 2002 - I need to check out this one! ;) ;) ;)