Another Summer Wine comic...

Here's another comic! #62


Always a pleasure to see a new one Claye
Another good one.

I like the particular attention in getting Compo's hat to suit that era.

Even the dialogue matches the type used in those early shows.

Well done.
Your comics are an extention of Summer Wine, as if it was still on air in the famous trios time. Thanks for your talents,Happy New Year
Agreed, not only are the pictures spot on, but so is the dialogue.

The dialogue is exactly how Roy Clarke would have written it.

Brilliantly observed, and as said - it's like new episodes with the old faces.

Well done, as usual.
Thank you all.. The response and enjoyment of these comics make it all worth it. I had no idea WHATSOEVER that I would be almost to the 70th comic when I first started doing these. I'm aiming for 100 and beyond! Thanks everyone!