Seymour's House

Does anyone know the story behind the house used as Seymours home. We only saw it in Uncle of the Bride, the first series and a special.
I do know that the pond outside is not normally there so would be difficult to locate: a lot of houses like that in the Pennines
I love that farmhouse. In fact I think Seymour is great. Definately my favourite character. The farmhouse just adds to the eccentiricity.

I know that there are a few houses north and sout of the farmhouse about 1/4 to a 1/2 mile radius that are for sale.

The pond is to the left of the house if you use google earth. I have put a side by side of Terry's pic of it and the episode of Uncle of the Bride and they definately do not have it in the same place. They have moved it to the side next to the tree you see there.
Hallo Sue - it's nice to be here.

That explains the mystery of the pond, I was looking at Google Earth yesterday and the pond didn't look right.
Seymour was a great character and apparently Michael was a joy to work with.
Cool man. I sent n email to Juliette Kaplan about Michael Aldridge and seh wrote that he was lovely and a true gentleman in capitol letters :) Does anyone have any other info on Michael Aldridge. I've read the Wiki stuff, but have been trying to research some stuff my self.
Is Seymour's house still there? I heard it had been knocked down, and that was why it didn't appear in any of his later episodes. I've no idea if it's true, though!
Hi Gavin

Seymours house is still there and has been renovated,I passed it a couple of weeks back, I think the BBC stopped using it and it sat run down for several years
Ah, thanks, Terry.

I'm glad it's still there. I've been re-watching some of Seymour's first series, recently.
Seymour is the best ! I wished either he was the third man for most of LotSW.
Thanks. I liked the eccentricity and the house, which really suited the character. Also I liked Seymour's episodes the best as there was much melancholy between the characters, such as in "Dried Dates and Codfanglers" aswell as "When you take a bit of Yorkshire" etc. Also Seymour's stuff was far less harebrained then Foggy's and I found him far less irritating.

BTW, Michael Aldridge would've been 89 years old today :'(. Happy B'day Michael (9.9.1920) wherever you are now and thanks for all the joy you have given me over the past few ye :)ars
Thanks. I liked the eccentricity and the house, which really suited the character. Also I liked Seymour's episodes the best as there was much melancholy between the characters, such as in "Dried Dates and Codfanglers" aswell as "When you take a bit of Yorkshire" etc. Also Seymour's stuff was far less harebrained then Foggy's and I found him far less irritating.

BTW, Michael Aldridge would've been 89 years old today :'(. Happy B'day Michael (9.9.1920) wherever you are now and thanks for all the joy you have given me over the past few ye :)ars
One of my favourite episodes was Downhill Racer the sight of the trio on trays was superb :)
;D Yes. I like all the Seymour episodes. Some more then others. My least faves would be "Set the People Free" and the Christmas Episode when they try and get Compo as a Santa on the roof. However Though they are my least faves, they would equal my fave Foggy episodes :P

Wind Power was excellent, I also liked Dancing Feet, when Compo get's his feet sorted out by that Kooky witch woman and does that stupid dance in the cafe. They got the music just right for the dance :)
Thanks. I liked the eccentricity and the house, which really suited the character. Also I liked Seymour's episodes the best as there was much melancholy between the characters, such as in "Dried Dates and Codfanglers" aswell as "When you take a bit of Yorkshire" etc. Also Seymour's stuff was far less harebrained then Foggy's and I found him far less irritating.

BTW, Michael Aldridge would've been 89 years old today :'(. Happy B'day Michael (9.9.1920) wherever you are now and thanks for all the joy you have given me over the past few ye :)ars
One of my favourite episodes was Downhill Racer the sight of the trio on trays was superb :)
"Clegg and I will take you by the trays." ;D
In Uncle Of The Bride when Clegg backed Barries car into the pond I read somewhere that this was an accident and they liked it so kept it the prog .Hallo Sue nice to see you on here .Seymoors house really suited his nature confused and messy and a nice guy.
No, Peter Sallis was supposed to "drive" it into the pond, but of course he should have stopped before and let a stuntman do the splash. But for some reason it went wrong and he went all the way into the water. They didn´t keep that in, there was a camera on the bonnet they had to save, and you couldn´t have seen the splash from sideways then ;).
Cool man. I sent n email to Juliette Kaplan about Michael Aldridge and seh wrote that he was lovely and a true gentleman in capitol letters :) Does anyone have any other info on Michael Aldridge. I've read the Wiki stuff, but have been trying to research some stuff my self.

Many years ago, in the days of black and white screens, he was in a TV series called "The Man in Room 17" with Richard Vernon. They played a pair of super-sleuths in a special government unit who dealt with problems that might embarrass the hierarchy of the day without leaving their comfortable Whitehall offices. It has just been released on DVD.
I thought that I heard that there was some difficulty with the owners. They ended the use of the house and grounds or something like that and so Seymour never actually went home after that.