Lost Time


Staff member
I bet forum members can think of many more of these lost time moments, time that we can never get back, and over our lifetimes must amount to many hours/ days maybe even weeks,we cannot seem to avoid them

1. Dentist and Doctors appointments
2. Hospital appointments
3. Queuing in supermarkets and other stores to give them money
4. Waiting to fill up in petrol stations
5. Post office
6. Waiting for a service engineer to call at your home
7. Road works and general traffic jams
8. Waiting for a return phone call
9. Waiting for a call centre to answer you
10. Waiting for the last couple of megabyte to download
Taking a man on a shopping tour :P. Sometimes this can be a waste of time because you spend hours arguing that you have to go into another shop, and it certainly is a waste of nerves. With few exceptions, there actually are men who would come with you voluntarily. In my experience they hate it even more if they are supposed to go shopping for themselves.
I am one of the fortunate ones, my husband does not mind waiting for me while I shop for shoes - my weakness! But then I also wait for him while he shops for guy stuff!
Actually I have just realised that there is another waste fo time - going to a shop and finding it does not stock what you want. This seems to happen to me more and more. Often can only get what i want via internet and then have to buy five years worth to avoid paying postal charges.
the biggest waste of time for me has to be going shopping for anything with my wife. The real pain though is clothes shopping, she tramps me around ALL the shops, buys things and well you know never ever wears them. she will complain about having nothing to wear, but heaven forbid me reminding her of the new stuff she bought only 2 days ago. well anyway the're all the same.