What Goodies did you all get


Staff member
Well that is Christmas almost over for another year, so what did we all get,was it what you wanted,did Auntie get you something really not that useful, let's hear your stories

I got a solid state hard drive to go with my new PC case,spent most of the day setting it up,not straightforward like normal hard drives

I got a new pair of German para boots off my youngest daughter, my old pair finaly gave up after 14 years!!
I also got some smelly-nice stuff off the eldest daughter, which says everything doesn't it?!
I got the usual choccies, biccies and assorted edibles, plus i bottle of Jamesons Irish whiskey off my ex missus, after 12 years seperated, we still get on famously.

G ; )
I got a pullover, a necklace and... don´t laugh, from my father a plug for my bathroom sink with the Union Jack on it.

What are German para boots? Probably a silly question to be asked by a German, but what´s para? Sounds either like parachute or military in some way.
In military terms "Para" or "Paras" just means "Paratrooper" or "Paratroopers" so i would imagine Blueprintz is referring to the boots he received as those worn by German Paratroopers.

In the UK at least,the Parachute Regiment is often abbreviated to just "The Paras".My late uncle was in "3Para" for many years and this just means that he was in the "3rd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment"

:o This is nothing about about what I got for xmas but has anyone seen the list of what is going straight onto EBAY in the unwanted gifts section??One woman is selling a gift from her hubby unopened because she is divorcing him and " wants rid " of it. Another unwanted gift is a sit-on battery driven car for another womans son because when they had put it together " he decided he did not like it ". It cost £120-00 Ebay price is £50-00 ??What sort of young man will he grow up to be?? ::) ( Reminds me of one boxing day in ARGOS when a child was screaming the place down because "he wanted a toy" ) ??? ???
Well i didn't get anything i want to sell my wife got me a new les paul style guitar, its a vintage v100. great guitar for the price. i had to sell my other ones in the summer when i got finished at work but things picked up and i ended up back decorating in october so saved a bit and santa was kind. my kids got what they asked for so that was good, apart from my sitting room looking like a recycling plant.

ohh i nearly forgot i got my wife some socks!! ;D
"my wife got me a new les paul style guitar"

"i got my wife some socks!!"

Oh yeah?? How's that working out for you??
I'd be dead by now.
Well i did get her socks they were the main present, but not wanting her to think i was taking the p**s she also got some £230 UGG boots, perfume, leopard print coat and a hair dryer among other things.

forget to mention an absoloute christmas classic that happened on the day. we go to the mother in laws for dinner it gets round to me opening my present, a new drill fantastic, then the mother in law says while your here with the drill will you put up some new curtain poles, cheeky git!!! talk about forward planning. >:(
Well i didn't get anything i want to sell my wife got me a new les paul style guitar, its a vintage v100.

LOL, sorry, but because of the lacking commas I read "I didn´t get anything, I want to sell my wife" ;D! What a difference a comma can make...
"forget to mention an absoloute christmas classic that happened on the day. we go to the mother in laws for dinner it gets round to me opening my present, a new drill fantastic"

and what kinda sox did ya get her???

(no no no .. really taking the mickey here)
the socks she got were the ones with animal heads at the top.

sorry about the punctuation.

i'm not taking the mickey by the way, all i said is true.
Well i didn't get anything i want to sell my wife got me a new les paul style guitar, its a vintage v100.

LOL, sorry, but because of the lacking commas I read "I didn´t get anything, I want to sell my wife" ;D! What a difference a comma can make...
I read it the same way - had to read it again :D

so did I at first well given an earlier comment about divorcing would not have been entirely unheard of...