worst gift

amos hames

Dedicated Member
I was watching the episode the other day when Pearl said to howard somthing on the lines of buying her a wallpaper stripper for christmas.Got me thinking what is the worst or most pointless gift you have ever been given or that you have given to anyone.I remember a few years ago i was doing up one of the bedrooms over christmas and i needed a three way plug,Come Christmas morning what was one of my gifts,You guessed it a three way plug.My Girlfriend Emma said"you said you needed one"It was actually quite funny in the end and i did not mind anyway cos i love her to bits.Your worst gifts please.
This was my husbands first Christmas gift from our son-in-law. A bottle of after shave. Fine, except that the old man has a full beard!
Oh gosh, a few Christmasses ago I got something from my boyfriend´s mother... Thank god she wasn´t there when I got it because I was in a long distance relationship and my boyfriend came to me for Christmas. He brought it with him and looked ashamed and said immediately "I tried to hold her back, I told her you wouldn´t like it, but she said it was a joke and you´d find it funny, I couldn´t do anything!" It was a terrible looking huge bee made of ceramic, probably something much cheaper, the sort of thing you´d never buy, under no circumstances, looked like a gift from a supermarket or petrol station and that´s very certainly where she got it. Perhaps it was even a savings box for children. Colourful, stupid grin and all :o. And another such thing, but I don´know what it was, something between a scarecrow and a snowman. I never found it harder to phone someone and say thank you, lol! At least my boyfriend and I had a laugh and after Christmas I put these things in the cellar immediately. They´ve been thrown away by now. Makes one feel guilty, but what can you do? I won´t stuff my flat with monster bees ::).
His brother gave me a similarly awful thing some years ago, too, god knows where he found it, something like a glass cube (only that it was plastic) on a green felt something, you had to plug it in and it would start to revolve slowly and I think it even had some colourful light effects, and an unwanted sound effect, the scratching sound of the thing revolving. Ghastly :D! But this family is like that, taste is non-existant, except the youngest brother. He is gay and cares an awful lot about taste and appearance and is quite forthright, I wonder what he would have said to these things ;D.
We have Christmas parties that have noted to bring a "white elephant" gift. We use gifts (like the ones **** describes) for a game. The gifts are wrapped neatly and they are placed on the gift table. Everyone draws numbers and takes turns selecting a gift. It is really fun to see all of the unusual items. We store the "gifts" until the next party and use them again.
For our wedding anniversary one year my husband bought me large bottle of codliver oil tablets! :o
I looked at him to see if he was serious and that this was a gag gift (Not that he ever gave me gag gifts before, just thought it may have been a one off) But no he was serious, my present was large bottle of codliver oil tablets.

Since then, about 2 weeks before birthdays/Xmas/mothers day/anniversary's my daughter rings me and says "Dads given me some money what present do you want?"
I wish I could reply to some comments or start new topics as I have done in the past. Just want you to know that I am here without a ticking brain. This intense heat is just putting me in a zombie state. 41 celcius today. We still have until the end of September suffering this heat. We always did hot weather but this year is extra special..

Worse gift would be any clothes relatives had bought you. They don't know your
tastes and expect you to wear them. LOL So you wear them only for visits in the dark.
Hey, Susan, did you take those pills? You must be very healthy! ;)
I gave my son cod liver oil for about 2 years when he was young and he never
got sick! :o
Hey, Susan, did you take those pills? You must be very healthy! ;)
I gave my son cod liver oil for about 2 years when he was young and he never
got sick! :o

Yes did take some but they didn't work lol, healthy would not be a word to describe me lol :)
My friend once bought me a mental agility quiz. I ask you. Me?! That was just daft. It stayed in the box for years and then I took it to work where everyone else failed with it, too!