The Council

Compo, Clegg would be in receipt of housing benefit and that way they would have been on the housing list also remember Clegg was married after the war and the house he was in at the start of the show was his first home.Rents in the fifties were nothing like they are now plus up north they were considerably cheaper.Foggy might well have found that the house he inherited was in a bad state so he sold up and moved into lodgings.I remember a friend of mine took over his council house from his father with no problems so Tom probably did this .People in the fifties did not earn a fortune but life was fairly inexpensive I do not know what things were like in the US at this time.
Foggy might well have found that the house he inherited was in a bad state so he sold up and moved into lodgings.

As far as I know the only time Foggy ever referred to a landlady was in "A Kink in Foggy's Niblicks," which was Brian Wilde's first season. Given that was just a few episodes after he was introduced, a major change like that seems unlikely. It also appears to be a house in "Return of the Warrior" when he came back. Like I said earlier, it seems likely that the reference in that early episode was a mistake left in after the episode was re-written for Foggy instead of Blamire. Remember, Michael Bates left the show pretty much at the last minute when he informed the producers that he wasn't capable for health reasons of doing the scenes in the scripts he was being sent.
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