Name some Episodes #12


Staff member
Name some episodes that contains someone using the phrase "Bog Off" which is not Compo saying it, and to make it more interesting who actually said it, I have spotted a couple and no doubt there are more
The McDonaghs of Jamieson Street - spoken by Billy tells Alvin to "Bog Off" when Alvin remarks Billy looks good in a skirt as well as tights.
The Incredible Ordeal of Norman Clegg - Clegg says it to Billy and Truly when they say he does Russian Dancing.
Why is Barrie at a Funny Angle . When Howard buys the glue and gets stuck to Marina I am almost sure , it being a very generous Supermarket , there is a sign saying BOGOFF ............................................ Buy One Get One For Free :08:
None so far are the ones I spotted,so there are at least 3 more to find, you have all done well so far
In "Barry Becomes a Psychopathic Killer But Only Part Time," Nora tells Alvin if anybody came from outer space, they'd take one look at him and bog off home again.
The Landlord at the Pub tells Clegg, Truly and Billy to bog off when they are in there looking for Cyril Cooper in "The Man Who Invented Yorkshire Funny Stuff"
When Foggy tries to keep Wesley from telling anyone about his secret project in "Walking Stiff Can Make You Famous," Wesley reminds him if Edie asks him about it, she wouldn't take kindly to being told to bog off.
Since no one else has posted, I'll add one more. In "The Frozen Turkey Man," Sid tells them they can bog off if they don't like the tea.

Later in the same episode, the man at the bar tells Foggy to bog off twice after he drops and breaks the Rubik's cube.
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Sid tells the trio to Bog Off when they hassle him about fixing the mixer in The White Man's Grave.
Smiler tells Clegg to Bog off when Clegg tries to sell him a wardrobe in "How To Create A Monster."
In "Will Barry Go Septic Despite Listening to Classical Music?" the man with the Earthquake detector, tells Compo to Bog Off.