Hi Glenda, Joey here, yes my mince pies are pretty good and so are Jacks but the old mans, not so good. The only time they fully open up is when you appear on the screen in your motor cycle gear. Then they stick out like shuttlecocks. Poor old soul.Joey must have better eye sight than me.
Joey's medal Marianna, his mom, my wife, comes from Minnesota USA. He had a choice of a sixpence, 2 and a half pence, or an American quarter. He chose the quarter.That's the sharpest close-up of Mrs. Clegg's gravestone I've ever seen. The birth year looks to me like 1909, so she was 62 years old when she died. That would have made her about a decade older than Clegg. There's been some speculation that the stone was one from the props department that could be faked up to suit any script, and that the staff that faked it up for this one never dreamed that we'd look that closely.
By the way, why an American quarter for Joey's medal?![]()
Captain, you have upset little Joey, you said he chose the nickel which is only worth 5 cents. His medal was a quarter which is worth 25 cents. Now he is throwing his furniture around because he thinks that you tried to make him look CHEEP.I hear he wanted to take the Sixpence Peri but out of loyalty to Mrs P he selected the nickel . I know you tried all sorts to persuade him but whatever you did he wouldn't BUDGE REGARdless of what you offered![]()