Dedicated Member
I'm sat here dinging around with my cursor trying to get my grey matter into gear. The only thing that springs to mind is the football match. My memories of that are thousands of half naked blokes jumping up and down displaying close ups of their tonsils. As for the match itself, no comment. So, in an effort to raise some interest I will entertain the ladies. CALM DOWN PHYLLIS, I did mean verbally. Any other form of female entertainment has long since passed the realms of possibility. To tell you the truth I cannot fell you when I last 'realmed'. It was such a long time ago. I do remember that in those distant days when immorality was frowned on, men had to wear blindfolds on their honeymoon. Very awkward that was. Can you imagine trying to make love by means of braille? Wearing dresses short enough to display an ankle in those days was immoral. That never bothered me, I always sewed some loops on the bottom of my dresses to tuck under my feet so that my ankles were not displayed for all the world to see. .................Hang on, I'm just waiting for Phyllis to catch up. NO PHYLLIS, I AM NOT A WOMAN. It's a joke. I am a chap, a fella, a bloke or if you like a geezer. Will someone please draw her a diagram or else I will be here all day writing this crap and I know that you will be wanting to watch all the replays of the game. Just one question about the match, do you think that Harry Kane was a tad lackluster. Is that why he came off early?,,,,,,OOPS, that's two questions.