Storm Eunice


Dedicated Member
Some members will be affected by storm Eunice. Good luck and, I hope, a safe passage through it.
Does anyone remember the hurricane that hit Sheffield 60 years and 2 days ago. February 16th 1962 is the day that hurricane struck. During the war blitz 17,000 premises' were damaged. The hurricane damaged 70,000 buildings. I remember the roar of the wind through the night, it was deafening. The next day I tried to get to the shops 400 yards away but it was impossible. The road was a mass of chimney pots, slates, drainpipes, gates, fences, dustbins, plants, garden tools and various other unrecognizable objects. Driving was out of the question. I wasn't going to attempt walking. Stone built houses were damaged beyond repair. Four people were killed among which were a vicar and his wife who had left the bedroom to go downstairs for safety. It was an old vicarage and the chimney was blown off which then crashed through the roof, through the bedroom floor and onto the the settee where the couple were taking refuge till the storm had passed. I do hope that storm Eunice isn't going to be as ferocious and I pray that we will all be safe. If you can, stay indoors. Peri....
I second your sentiments Peri I hope the damage is minimal and everyone including members stay safe and well . I don't recall the Sheffield storm but it sounds horrendous , the figures about damage is shocking . I imagine Sheffield was a major target to stop the production of iron and steel so to damage 4 times as many buildings in a storm compared to the Blitz is astonishing .
Just stuck my head out of the window to see how windy it is ...... wish I'd opened it first. :13: That reminds me, if anybody finds a purple wig with yellow and green stripes on it save it. It's mine.

Yes but it gave you a non surgical face lift , made you look 25 when you turned your face into the wind through the window . If Victoria had gathered up the loose skin at the back of your head with bulldog clip you could be Rotherham's very own Benjamin Button ;)
Boy what a strong wind that was last night. The house was shaking like a jelly on steroids. I know you won't believe this but about 10:PM I distinctly felt the house rise into the air. Being a member of the Old Age Fellowship, OAF, I rolled off the settee and hung on grimly to the floor. As I was to find out later, the house had been blown lnto the next county and deposited into the middle of a nudist camp. I looked out of the window in the morning and was aware of a group of naked people picking up remnants of the storm damage. It's at this point that the OAF comes into the story. In spite of being confronted by lots of naked people the only thing that went up was,

THE RENT.......
Well, over here across the Pond, after positively spring-like temperatures of around 60F (15.5C) winter suddenly returned. It actually snowed, covering grass, trees, and the street.