How about characters we dislike...or just cannot "connect" with ???????


Dedicated Member
Following on from Inky's brilliant post I thought to myself......."are there any characters that I just cannot connect with ?"...."any characters who simply GET ON MY NERVES "!! here I go......
Stella.....I just did not take to her character at all...and the "I can smell/hear someone smoking" line...I will say no more.
The the early days [apart from when he was working his gents outfitters] we just seen him as another "golf snob"...but after his divorce he became more central in our series....moving next door to Glenda and Barry.......I thought his character was one dimensional ....which brings me onto.......Morton...debt collector and slave to The Captain......and Barry's new best friend.......not for me unfortunately.
There are just three for you to think about...but we have been SO BLESSED with Roy Clarke's amazing writing that over the 31 series I cannot think of many "Summerwine family members"....OVER TO YOU........
Mine is Tom, controversial I know, but I didn't think he was a particularly great actor who's role in the series was never properly defined. I personally think he was there because of his dad and they stuck with him but didn't quite know how to slot him into place.

But as you say Roy has probably written over 1000 amazing characters over the years so a handful of duffers isn't bad odds!!!
I'll leave Hobbo to Pearl , agree Tom early days with Mrs Avery and Babs was a necessary but unwelcome appearance . Blamire was never a favourite of mine but I think it was clouded by the fact the early series were blighted by the characters shouting at each other so as time has gone on, that dislike has dissipated. Other than that its mainly some of the guest appearances which I don't really appreciate Sinclair in the Wormley Witches episode , one of my least favourite episodes, is one for a start.
I'll leave Hobbo to Pearl , agree Tom early days with Mrs Avery and Babs was a necessary but unwelcome appearance . Blamire was never a favourite of mine but I think it was clouded by the fact the early series were blighted by the characters shouting at each other so as time has gone on, that dislike has dissipated. Other than that its mainly some of the guest appearances which I don't really appreciate Sinclair in the Wormley Witches episode , one of my least favourite episodes, is one for a start.
Oi! Don't drag me into this I'm only here for beer.
I have a list of characters I didn't like but I'd drummed out if I voiced some them.
Oh what the hell, if the other admins come for me I can take them.
Hobbo, has Captain so rightly lumbered me with. Just didn't take to him at all.
Eli!! Yes you heard me I said Eil, he just makes me want to grind my teeth.
Billy Inglton, I hate slapstick, I know hate is a strong word but I really do and Billy/Norman was just pure slapstick.
Glenda! Yep I said it. In the beginning she was ok but towards the end I just wanted to stick her whiny head through her mothers mangle.
Billy, seriously a grown man in tights running round with a bow and arrow!
Alvin but I think that's because he was played by Brian Murphy and get me started on him.
So there you have it. I'm sure I'll edit this at some point so don't take it that I've finished.
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I'll also probaly be drummed out for saying this, but I cannot stand Compo or Eli (thank the Lord for the fast forward button).
Barry should divorce that bloody annoying Glenda and Tom's acting is so wooden he became annoying.
But most of all I loathe that imbecilic moronic cretinous creature Billy Ingleton!
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I'll also probaly be drummed out for saying this, but I cannot stand Compo or Eli (thank the Lord for the fast forward button).
Barry should divorce that bloody annoying Glenda and Tom's acting is so wooden he became annoying.
But most of all I loathe that imbecilic moronic cretinous creature Billy Ingleton!
Don't pussy foot about come straight out with it. If we get drummed out we should join forces.
There aren't too many that I don't connect with. Some started out well but their characters became too bland or repetitive. Morton and Toby were good at first but grew tiresome.

Alvin was "just alright." I don't think he was quite as funny as the other barmpots. Although he did have that great introductory line, (paraphrasing), "Greetings from England."

In terms of single-episode characters, I don't think Eva was a good fit for the show. I am not big on Crowcroft either, but that might be because I am not crazy about the episode.

I know a lot here aren't crazy about Tom. I really liked him and thought he contributed a lot to the show. Although, I never viewed him directly as Compo's replacement (which might be why I don't have an issue with him). After the trilogy of Compo's passing, the show just had to take a very different direction. I never looked at it as an attempt to keep the show centered about a trio.
There are a lot of comments I agree with , a lot of teeth gritting moments and some characters I dislike. However I have said it before , are we in danger of taking the heart out of the show in general by nitpicking and making different lists. I am not saying it should all be sweetness and light , God forbid ! I watch the show as escapism , I can find enough stuff elsewhere on TV with minimum fuss.As I get older I don't want confrontation and problems .! :confused2: :eyesroll:
There are a lot of comments I agree with , a lot of teeth gritting moments and some characters I dislike. However I have said it before , are we in danger of taking the heart out of the show in general by nitpicking and making different lists. I am not saying it should all be sweetness and light , God forbid ! I watch the show as escapism , I can find enough stuff elsewhere on TV with minimum fuss.As I get older I don't want confrontation and problems .! :confused2: :eyesroll:
I'm sure we'll agree that even the very weakest characters in our show are better than the best in most comedies nowadays!
There are a lot of comments I agree with , a lot of teeth gritting moments and some characters I dislike. However I have said it before , are we in danger of taking the heart out of the show in general by nitpicking and making different lists. I am not saying it should all be sweetness and light , God forbid ! I watch the show as escapism , I can find enough stuff elsewhere on TV with minimum fuss.As I get older I don't want confrontation and problems .! :confused2: :eyesroll:
I was thinking the same thing. I think such a topic is OK if it is visited in small amounts once in a while. It is definitely not a topic to obsess over.
Dick...if you are in any way offended by my post please accept my sincere is just a bit of fun.....and we must remember it is a fictional show.
Dick...if you are in any way offended by my post please accept my sincere is just a bit of fun.....and we must remember it is a fictional show.
Not offended just perhaps worried that we keep dissecting what I call escapism. I 've broached this point before and am worried that any complaints and or lists may put people off watching. :confused2::fp:
I don't think we need to worry about putting people off viewing mate...
You can see by the number of responses that it has captured our members imagination.
With all television shows,music and films we have our favourites and non favourites....saying you dislike or cannot connect with a specific character does not belittle OUR SHOW because as I stated in my original post....the genius that is Roy Clarke has ensured we love the vast vast majority of the characters.....and after is just a bit of fun........and if we all loved the same things wouldn't it be boring.
I don't think anyone on here has anything but love for what I always refer to as our beloved show . It is the "the bar for the first pint" after trekking across the Desert that is TV today . I don't think this and other discussions where favourites/ hated, whether that is characters , episodes , detract from the love we have for the show in the end it might offer an insight into why people have joined up and what , if they were Roy Clarke, they might have changed but of course the gate has closed on that race, not that we could provide any influence, so in the end the importance people place on it is negligible I imagine.