Oh what the hell, if the other admins come for me I can take them.
Hobbo, has Captain so rightly lumbered me with. Just didn't take to him at all.
Eli!! Yes you heard me I said Eil, he just makes me want to grind my teeth.
Billy Inglton, I hate slapstick, I know hate is a strong word but I really do and Billy/Norman was just pure slapstick.
Glenda! Yep I said it. In the beginning she was ok but towards the end I just wanted to stick her whiny head through her mothers mangle.
Billy, seriously a grown man in tights running round with a bow and arrow!
Alvin but I think that's because he was played by Brian Murphy and get me started on him.
So there you have it. I'm sure I'll edit this at some point so don't take it that I've finished.