New Book released today Update

Hello everyone. Happy New Year to you all!
"50 Years of Last of the Summer Wine" is an updated, revised, re-written version of my previous book. The layout has changed, there are some new photos (thanks to Terry), new chapters and new interviews. And it's cheaper than the original!
The eBook should be ready on or before January 3rd. Alas, "50 Years..." is only available on Amazon, but as ferret has raised this point, I will set about making it available elsewhere.
Any questions, please just ask.
Don't tell Aunty!! :D
I read most things on Kindle so purchased and downloaded earlier will be reading it in coming days . I only have a few hard copybooks to save on space .
I prefer eBooks because my vision isn't great, at least until I've had cataract surgery sometime this summer, so I need to adjust the font, type size, and brightness. My additional reason is the same as yours. I'd have to add a room to my house to contain my books if I didn't buy eBooks. Fortunately, I'm not going broke buying books — the local public library loans books in electronic format. In addition, that borrower's card gives me access to the electronic collections of the entire local 5-county library system and to the two neighboring multi-county library systems, as well as to the New York Public Library.

Now if the Winos would publish electronically, I'd be a happy camper. I bought their book and struggled through it with a magnifying glass, but would have had much less tired eyes from reading an eBook.
Huge fan of Frankie be really interested in seeing that play will have to check and see if its touring but I'd be really interested in what you thought of it Barry . Seen many interviews with Frankie and shows about his life . When he was captured for This is Your Life Dennis appeared as his agent and of course because everything was hidden in those days no mention was made of their relationship not even a hint , if it was made now of course it would have been shown .

In another documentary, and this seems frankly strange, Dennis Heymer was interviewed and he said that one of Frankie's wigs was buried in the garden of Wavering House, where they lived, and sometimes he would dig it it up and the smell of the cigar smoke, from Frankie's love of smoking them, was still there . I found this interesting article a while ago about the house and Frankie .

Interesting article. The theatre looks great. I’ve never visited but sat and admired it on my visits to Shrewsbury from the tables outside the Armoury :)
Not saying just because I'm local but it's one of the best theatres in the country, really modern and not cramped like most theatres. There is a balcony where you can sit outside and have a birds eye view of all Shrewsbury.
Not saying just because I'm local but it's one of the best theatres in the country, really modern and not cramped like most theatres. There is a balcony where you can sit outside and have a birds eye view of all Shrewsbury.

In Newcastle we have the Theatre Royal architected by Benjamin Green with the interior designed by the great Frank Matcham. It sits on the prestigious Grey street and Richard Grainger, who architected much of Newcastle was responsible for all the buildings in that street and more, needed to demolish the existing Theatre Royal which sat at the bottom of Grey Street . In the years it has been open I imagine some of the stars of our beloved show would have tread the boards there.

He had a huge battle with the Authorities but they conceded . I go on Heritage walks and I was told that within three hours of signing the deal his work force had demolished the old building [picture attached ] which is just astounding . Comparing modern day demolitions they just to seem to take forever . In recent times they have demolished the Stack a collection of ex shipping containers situated on land that has been earmarked for the new HMRC headquarters and it took them months . When you consider the modern equipment they would have used compared to Grainger's men it makes it even more astounding .

theatre royal.jpg
@captain clutterbuck thanks for that I love hearing about history of places, and not so many years ago these were the only entertainment for the masses. The original Theatre Royal in Shrewsbury is now an estate agent but the beautiful fascia still remains. The theatre only moved from the original music hall about 10 years ago. Unfortunately many of our old theatres are not able to facilitate modern productions which often have 2 full HGV lorries full of props.

A good example of how progress and retaining heritage need to be balanced.
Hello everyone. Happy New Year to you all!
"50 Years of Last of the Summer Wine" is an updated, revised, re-written version of my previous book. The layout has changed, there are some new photos (thanks to Terry), new chapters and new interviews. And it's cheaper than the original!
The eBook should be ready on or before January 3rd. Alas, "50 Years..." is only available on Amazon, but as ferret has raised this point, I will set about making it available elsewhere.
Any questions, please just ask.

It's now even cheaper still at £8.77 for those who still haven't took the plunge!