It will happen one of these days, Barrychuckle. Also, it might have to wait until the kids grow up.....maybe another 8 -1 0 years.I love it that so many of you that side of the pond love the showI do hope hope you'll make the pilgrimage to Holmfirth as some stage, Mecca for Barmpots!!!!!!
You should bring your kids, there's loads for them to see and do! You should strike a deal - if dad can go to Summerwineland they can go to Harry Potter World!It will happen one of these days, Barrychuckle. Also, it might have to wait until the kids grow up.....maybe another 8 -1 0 years.
I don't believe its accurate that Wilde did not give notice. According to Alan Bell in his book, Wilde told them he was going to depart the show after "Getting Sam Home" and even sat down with BBC execs after it was done filming and said the same thing. He rather humorously ignored all of that and acted like nothing had happened when he heard they were actually talking to replacements for Series 8. However, Bell says Wilde was very consistent with saying Series 8 would be his last and they honored that request.When Michael Aldridge left the show he gave notice and did so very graciously (unlike Brian first time around) so I suspect Foggys return episodes would be written for him.
I strongly recommend that you read the Andrew Vine book for the definitive LOTSW story, I couldn't put it down when I read it! Also Summerwine Decanted videos on YouTube are very informative too.
The move from Bates to Wilde was pretty last minute so they had to give Roy Clarke time to write the introduction. I think thats why a few of those episodes, while good, seem a bit off. Several, such as the Scarborough episodes, were written with Blamire in mind and they just changed minimal parts of the script to stick Foggy in instead as they needed to start filming right away.
The "BBC Written Archive" keep copies of programme documents that are over a certain age, it seems that's probably over 20 years old, or so. As I have been researching with them for "Summer Wine Decanted", they informed me that very little paper work exists for the "early" series - I'm guessing up to about series 10. So not even the BBC hold any records.As for the original question, I do wish we had production schedule records, as that would tell us when people were around...
Well, Gordon was needed to drive the van to Scarborough and to provide someone that Compo could teach the facts of life to. And then there was the wedding. But having a normal couple would not have worked as there was no quirkiness. But who played Gordon? Why it's Philip Jackson who, later on, having filled out, grown a mustache and having developed a deeper voice -- played Inspector Japp on "Poirot." Is it possible when he did these three episodes that he picked up many acting tips from Bill Owen and company? Whenever I happen to catch him in an episode of "Poirot" I look for hints of LOTSW.From out of nowhere our trio goes on holiday with Gordon and he meets a girl. A bit later he marries her as we meet his mother, her parents and others. Then they all vanish from the face of the earth. A three odd episodes in a very quirky season.
Was it intended to set up a younger man and couple as series regulars as we would see with Barry and his wife much later? Was his mum or her folks to be a part of the show like Wesley and Edith? It seems there must have been some plan for the characters or why bother a whole episode that featured characters other than our trio or a simple guest star.
Any ideas?
Actually, that was an original Blamire moment. From Andrew Vine's book, a quote from Sydney Lotterby:I think it was mentioned here before. I imagine the scene with Foggy going into the cold water was one of those minimal parts. I can't imagine Blamire doing this.
According to Vine, the plan for Series 3 was to make the trio more active, presumably because audiences had liked the Series 2 episodes where the characters were out and about - such as the classic "Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe."When I started, Michael was going to do the programme, and the scripts came in, and I sent one of them to him. There was a seaside scene and Michael had to go into the water with a swimming suit on. After a little while, before we actually started, he rang me and said he didn't think he could do it, which was a disappointment. He pulled out before we started the series.
Series Three also had other recurring characters - Big Malcolm was in two episodes.From out of nowhere our trio goes on holiday with Gordon and he meets a girl. A bit later he marries her as we meet his mother, her parents and others. Then they all vanish from the face of the earth. A three odd episodes in a very quirky season.
Was it intended to set up a younger man and couple as series regulars as we would see with Barry and his wife much later? Was his mum or her folks to be a part of the show like Wesley and Edith? It seems there must have been some plan for the characters or why bother a whole episode that featured characters other than our trio or a simple guest star.
Any ideas?