What was Yours

Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Don't they squeak on your teeth when you eat them ? :D
Pink Shrimps, Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
Pink Shrimps,
I think I heard you mention that
Soor Plums, Jamesons Caramels , Old Gold , Sherbert Fountains or Dabs the list is endless , love everything declared by everyone thus far don't think it'll end there.
Wow that a lot of sweets! Do you still have your own teeth CC ? :D

Most :) lost a couple not with sweets but from playing Amateur footie at college, many moons ago played in business houses league including teams from the Police, boy were they some battles :):):) . My sweet tooth comes from my late mum, I was apparently a right little brat as a kid so to keep me quiet she stuffed my north and south with chocolate treats :) I have toned it down considerably on the sweet front as I have got older.