Can you spot Auntie Wainwright?

Didn't Ronnie Barkers character Clarence also have the same sort of spectacles!? :D

He did round but clear glass if not a tad thicker up there with Eli . Saw a picture of a still, I believe from the show, of Clarence the cross eyed lion from Daktari with glasses on and I wondered if there was a smidgeon of that picture which inspired Ronnie B with the character of Clarence.
Now you all know about my Ringo Star link [his mum used to babysit me !!!] is an Auntie Wainwright link...when she was a young girl Jean went to the school at the top of my street.....WELLINGTON ROAD....AND.......another "school fact "...believe it or not...THE PLAYGROUND WAS ON THE ROOF OF THE SCHOOL !!!!!...
Now you all know about my Ringo Star link [his mum used to babysit me !!!] is an Auntie Wainwright link...when she was a young girl Jean went to the school at the top of my street.....WELLINGTON ROAD....AND.......another "school fact "...believe it or not...THE PLAYGROUND WAS ON THE ROOF OF THE SCHOOL !!!!!...
I can verify this as my mother went there in the sixties.