Foggy and the Natives #1


Staff member
Foggy claimed there were many things the natives said to him, so for a bit of fun what episodes did we hear these words of wisdom, have fun

He who melts into the shadows
It's a very good question, there are certainly lots of times I can recall Foggy telling his tall stories about the natives, for example when he was sat on a bench in the park. But trying to reconcile what was said in a given episode is beyond my tiny brain!

As MoodyBlue said this is a question for GEEEEEENIUS ROGER :p :p :p
I think it was in Welcome To Earth. Foggy was talking to a man on a bench about hiding in bushes. Foggy then pretends to bayonet someone with his cane and Compo sneaks up to him and pokes him in the back. Foggy drops his cane and puts his hands up as if he was surrendering.
I think it was in Welcome To Earth. Foggy was talking to a man on a bench about hiding in bushes. Foggy then pretends to bayonet someone with his cane and Compo sneaks up to him and pokes him in the back. Foggy drops his cane and puts his hands up as if he was surrendering.
It was Roger, very well done