Recent content by codfanglers

  1. codfanglers

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    Richard is my favorite from KUA, being put in all kinds of awkward situations!
  2. codfanglers

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    When it comes to comedies, I often like annoying characters. Penny, Jean, and KUA's Hyacinth can all be considered annoying. But that is part of the comedy.
  3. codfanglers

    Gentle Comedies - The Definitive Guide

    At this point, you've met Penny and Stephen. My favorite episodes are the ones with them. A lot of people get irritated by some of Jean's characteristics, such as nosiness. I love that character since I just look for laughs more than attachments to certain characters. I lost track if I mentioned...
  4. codfanglers

    For fans of Britcoms....

    I've seen the clip of the tree in the toilet and the wig in the bread loaf in One Foot in the Grave so far. :p
  5. codfanglers

    For fans of Britcoms....

    Wow. Thanks for the link. I've only seen a couple of clips of One Foot in the Grave and have been wanting to see much more. I never saw Only Fools and Horses, but hear how great it is.
  6. codfanglers

    Gentle Comedies

    Yes. Dame Judi plays Jean so well that the character's tendencies get on some fans' nerves. I am in an "As Time Goes By" Facebook group. So many people LOVE the show but Jean's nosiness drives many crazy. :p As for me, I love it. The characters are meant to have loveable flaws.
  7. codfanglers

    What Happened

    Ahhh. I don't know how I missed that.
  8. codfanglers

    Gentle Comedies

    That is definitely an isolated episode, one of those where they are still working out the characters. It's all uphill from there. Eventually, you will meet the wonderful and hilarious extended family on both sides.
  9. codfanglers

    What Happened

    This answer might be too obvious from the photo, but could it be the viewing of the side of the store?
  10. codfanglers

    Gentle Comedies

    As Time Goes By is wonderful. It is one of the most aired British comedies on American Public television. The characters, Lionel and Jean, develop a lot from the pilot episode and first series. My wife and I are very much a younger version of Lional and Jean (the characters they develop into...
  11. codfanglers

    What we have here..

    Wonderful episode and one of many with just a brief scene from the Batty household. I always felt bad for the salesman.
  12. codfanglers

    Would you attend a Candlelight Supper?

    Like you, Barry, I would go hoping Onslow, Daisy, and Rose (and maybe Rose's gentleman friend of the week) show up. It would be a comical experience for me, but I would have to mentally prepare myself to be on edge. As for hanging out at Onslow's with beer, sounds good, but hopefully football...
  13. codfanglers

    A Rose by any other name

    Rose #2 as well. Wasn't Rose #1 only in the first season? (It's been a few years since I saw KUA) If so, she might not had enough time to really develop into the role.
  14. codfanglers

    Mr. Newbold

    Absolutely. I share the same sentiment. Although, I will get BritBox or another service one of these days.
  15. codfanglers

    Mr. Newbold

    I would say unused scripts but also a lot of previous props from LOTSW. I have seen most episodes a few times, but just caught the episode with the mangle and the shrinking pants- very familiar props. While predictable, the episode was hilarious. My wife and I were laughing hysterically. This...