I felt Nora fawning over Tom was her trying to atone a bit of the guilt over how she had treated Compo, there was a time or so Ivy had to remind her things weren't as fond as she was trying to remember.
Compo had a varied background. It was entirely plausible that his offspring would move away while still exhibiting his characteristics, generally bone idle. It would just have made more sense for Tom et al to arrive for one series...
Today is one of those unique[ish] days on Gold where you get the chance to see the very last and very first episodes of LOTSW , the contrast in film quality and script is astonishing .
I echo RickAns sentiments, so glad you're planning a trip back over to Gods own country. Thanks for your extensive research, I'll certainly be planning a stay there in the foreseeable future.
That training center went bust pretty quickly. I've been trawling through back issues of newspapers for recent history, finding coverage mostly in the Sheffield and Barnsley papers.
So apparently that was one of the rare instances when...
Glad to hear you are making plans to visit Holmfirth again, Marianna. As well as feeling good enough to want to walk Winscar Reservoir.
Imagine you have already visited Glenda & Barry's home before. Since you are so close to Hade...
Thanks @captain clutterbuck ... It might have been to avoid typecasting, but I suppose he didn't have any input on the script - and Vince Powell does seem to have written some less than successful shows. Trouble is, now you know about...
Not so much an album but 8-Track, Styx - The Grand Illusion.
Title song true to this day. Just replace "radio" with "internet", "TV" with "facebook" and "magazine" with "instagram"
I am not proud of this whatsoever, but during my pre-teens, I got into 80's hard rock and I was 11 or 12 when I bought Europe's Final Countdown. I say this with a lot of humility.
It's also possible that some of these books were written with a lot of help from someone who steered them a certain way to aim them at a particular audience. Really hard to know.
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