Best way to get around to filming sites around Holmfirth?

Lorraine S.

New Member
Greetings. I’m headed to London from Seattle, WA USA in March and will be making a quick trip up to Holmfirth. Since the tour bus is no longer operating, is my best bet for getting to a few of the show’s locations hiring an Uber for an hour or two?
Hello and welcome
If you have not looked at it before you could have a look at my map showing many of the locations,-1.6409374954026812&z=10

From that you might decide where you wish to visit outside of Holmfirth, Marsden was heavily used for filming, along with Jackson Bridge and surround areas, you might be able to find a private hire company in Holmfirth that might do a day or half day touring for a set fee
@maltrab : Thanks for the welcome. The map is terrific! There are a couple of locales in the countryside that I’m particularly interested in getting to by car rather than walking. I’m making my list as my stay there is just overnight so I’ll have a few hours on the first day and a couple of hours the second day before I head back to London.
@Graham : Thanks for the welcome, too. I hope you have a great trip and can spend more time there than I can. :-)
Lorraine, As Maltrab said, check out the map! As one who has actually done the "trip to Holmfirth" from overseas, if you only have a couple of hours to spare I would simply just stay in Holmfirth itself and walk ( I know that is a strange concept!:fp: ) around the town itself. There are plenty of locations to visit there alone. If the tour bus is still running, DEFINITELY take that. It goes to all the main spots quicker, cheaper and more efficiently than an Uber ever would!.
I would not even contemplate hiring a car or something like an Uber unless you have 1 or more DAYS to get about. Don't forget British weather can/will mess about with travel plans if you are on a tight schedule!
Lorraine, As Maltrab said, check out the map! As one who has actually done the "trip to Holmfirth" from overseas, if you only have a couple of hours to spare I would simply just stay in Holmfirth itself and walk ( I know that is a strange concept!:fp: ) around the town itself. There are plenty of locations to visit there alone. If the tour bus is still running, DEFINITELY take that. It goes to all the main spots quicker, cheaper and more efficiently than an Uber ever would!.
I would not even contemplate hiring a car or something like an Uber unless you have 1 or more DAYS to get about. Don't forget British weather can/will mess about with travel plans if you are on a tight schedule!
Hi Brian - I’m staying overnight in Holmfirth. I have some sentimental reasons for wanting to get out to a few of the locations in the countryside. My mother passed away last year and it will be the one-year anniversary of losing her when I’m there. She was a fan of the show and was the person who turned me on to it many years ago. I’ve mapped out the routes and am just not sure walking a few miles by myself and with unpredictable early spring weather is ideal for me. I’ll definitely be walking around the town, though. The tour bus is no longer running due to the operator’s health challenges. I’m so looking forwarding to my visit!
Hello Lorraine, welcome to the site so nice to have a new member on board enjoy your time on here . I think the thing I took away from the times I have visited Holmfirth is not so much the filming locations but the fact by simply visiting Nora Batty's house you are walking on the very ground and steps that all the great stars from the show have also walked and you will be walking on those steps for your beloved mum. Leigh's [ Theatrically Inclined] you tube documentaries give you a great tour of the area from the angle of the show and there are many members photographs on here which show you areas you may not have time to visit. I hope you have a really enjoyable time. :)
Greetings. I’m headed to London from Seattle, WA USA in March and will be making a quick trip up to Holmfirth. Since the tour bus is no longer operating, is my best bet for getting to a few of the show’s locations hiring an Uber for an hour or two?
... and any of the places you miss will probably be in my video series on YouTube. But, some locations are not directly accessible from the road!
Welcome Lorraine! I'd suggest hiring a car would be the best option but not sure how confident you are doing that. If money is no object you could hire a taxi to take you around but that is likely to be very expensive. Also the drivers are very unlikely to know any of the areas or even about the series. You can get Uber taxis all over Holmfirth and the surrounding areas and I've used them myself they are quite good value for single journeys. If you have the app you can get an idea of fares from certain points using the Summerwine map as a reference.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've hired a taxi service and they'll pick me up from my hotel, drive me to wherever I want to go, then take me up to Leeds to catch the train back to London. Thanks to the map from @maltrab I've saved some of the locales to my Google Maps and have a really good idea about the area and how to get from one place to the other. I'm so excited for my trip. I leave tomorrow evening for London and will be in Holmfirth on Monday.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've hired a taxi service and they'll pick me up from my hotel, drive me to wherever I want to go, then take me up to Leeds to catch the train back to London. Thanks to the map from @maltrab I've saved some of the locales to my Google Maps and have a really good idea about the area and how to get from one place to the other. I'm so excited for my trip. I leave tomorrow evening for London and will be in Holmfirth on Monday.
Have a great time and we expect to see pictures when you recover from your trip