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  1. howardandmarina

    News to Share

    Congratulations! How exciting!
  2. howardandmarina

    Things That make me happy and smile

    My 3 nieces and my nephew magazines(mostly British ones, and I truly know when most are coming out, my faves right now are The Simple Things and Coast) a triple grande non-fat latte! my nook a beautiful sunrise water-ponds, lakes, etc. last of the summer wine my dad ;D Books
  3. howardandmarina

    Some Pictures of the New Office

    Very neat! I wish I was that organized!!!
  4. howardandmarina

    happy birthday

    Oh THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! You all just made my birthday great!!!!! I just got home from a family dinner with my twin brother and his family, and his daughter's birthday was on the 26th so we had a lot to celebrate! I am so glad I have gotten to know so many of you through the forum, thanks for...
  5. howardandmarina

    What if Compo Had a Job

    I imagine he could have been a good junk dealer, or just run a stall at a flea market. (I think car boot sales would be closest to that?) Charging lots of money for useless items, but I think he would enjoy the haggling.
  6. howardandmarina

    Going on vacation(holiday)

    Thank you! And have a great holiday! I think it will be a little less warm, so enjoy! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. howardandmarina

    Heat Wave

    Well Susan, we may have it worse in heat but I won't complain about sunshine here. We have few truly rainy days here so I will contend with the heat for that. I don't love heat but I think no one really loves their weather all the time.....except those who live in Key West. I don't think anyone...
  8. howardandmarina

    Does anyone on here share a birthday with LOTSW cast members?

    After having no one famous on my birthday for so long, I was SO HAPPY to find out I share Harry Potter's birthday(and J.K. Rowling, too) on July 31. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, so I'm quite pleased about that! Oh and I have a twin brother, but that doesn't count. ;D
  9. howardandmarina

    See ya Compo

    I cry like a baby when I watch that! It was very well done.
  10. howardandmarina

    Massive prices for Doctor Who convention

    Wow, I am sorry you will have to miss this. I do love Doctor Who, too. I agree, the prices of things are astronomical at the moment.
  11. howardandmarina


    Well I carry two, one is my purse, one is my book bag with my Nook and magazines/book in it. In my purse I carry my wallet, work and my personal keys, calendar, two makeup bags(my obsession) pill box, sunglasses, coupons, bottle of Advil, cell phone and charger(doesn't stay charged well) and two...
  12. howardandmarina

    Yorkshire Trip 2013.

    As I haven't been I can only tell you that I will hope you share pics. I am very jealous! I cannot wait to come over and take my trip. :)
  13. howardandmarina


    I smoked for about 3 years, I do believe that for some people it seems to be a genetic trait about easily quitting. I quit with almost no cravings, as did my father. My mother however never could, and she passed away very young(58) due to smoking.
  14. howardandmarina

    Heat Wave

    I just got home from outside of Buffalo New York, helping my elderly aunt out. No air-conditioning there and about 92 degrees with a heat index of about 96 degrees. A little warmer here in Ohio today (no lake close enough to drop the temp.) but thankfully relief coming tomorrow. I am ready for...
  15. howardandmarina


    Happy Birthday George! Have a great one! ;D
  16. howardandmarina

    Heat Wave

    it seems England is experiencing a heat wave this week. My friend who lives in Las Vegas has experienced 117F temps this week (although very low humidity.) Do most new builds in England have air conditioning installed now, or does this happen rarely so as not to need it? I am lucky to live in a...
  17. howardandmarina

    Location of houses

    I will have to look them up. I love to look at the map on this website and look at all the beautiful places!
  18. howardandmarina

    George's piccy

    Look at all that hair! What a cutie! :D
  19. howardandmarina

    ancestry research

    We have our family researched back to Ireland during the potato famine, not as much on our Italian side, only have records of them back from about late 1800's. Amazing that when people travelled so far from their homelands, they brought so little of their family info with them. I'm afraid no...