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  1. Marina'sTwin

    Book genres

    That's really cool! I've never heard of books on CD before but it makes sense that if we can have music on CD, we can have books too. I was really little when CDs became a thing, I remember cassettes but barely. I remember CDs a lot better and then of course we all got iPods when I was about 13...
  2. Marina'sTwin

    Book genres

    Lol I was going to say something about him maybe being able to read but choosing not to but I tapped the text box and my mind went completely blank! Lol That mood stabilizer is messing with my cognitive abilities, I think we're going to need to adjust the dose at my next appointment. I can...
  3. Marina'sTwin


    We'll probably see news coverage of the coronation. My uncle is currently here and apparently my cousin Devon is in jail. He needs to stop hanging around with the wrong people. He got shot 5 times last year. The dude is lucky to be alive and he's wasting his life. But I guess he's going to...
  4. Marina'sTwin


    That's awesome! I had to Google what Jaffa cakes and Hob Nobs are but they look delicious! I don't think we get those here in America, at least not in my area, but I think the closest thing we have to Hob Nobs is graham crackers and the closest thing we have to Jaffa cakes is those cakes that I...
  5. Marina'sTwin


    Lol Yeah maybe I should show him a few different episodes! He's currently yelling at me over text for drinking. Lol I'm only on my 4th glass of wine! Lol He cares about my health and wellbeing and that's why he gets mad when I drink too much but I'm sure he'll lighten up Sunday when I come to...
  6. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone got any weekend plans?

    I think I've seen that talked about on the news over here! Sounds pretty exciting!
  7. Marina'sTwin


    Sorry for the double post but I actually found Carolina Reaper coated almonds at the 7 Eleven when dad and I went to get alcohol and I was tempted to get them and eat them while I watch the show on Dailymotion but I'm actually allergic to almonds. The only thing that happens is that I get severe...
  8. Marina'sTwin

    Anyone got any weekend plans?

    I'm currently bored and staring at a blank Word document that's supposed to be my paper for Culture Religion and Identity and my mind wandered to my plans for this weekend. My cousin/ best friend, Joey, moved to Louisiana a couple of months ago and he loves it there but he and his boyfriend are...
  9. Marina'sTwin


    I'm actually trying to figure that out. I need to find an episode that kind of showcases all the characters at their best. He knows about Howard and Marina because I showed him a picture of her when I was telling him about the time I dressed as her for Halloween and I also explained their...
  10. Marina'sTwin


    Oh thanks! That definitely looks better!
  11. Marina'sTwin


    I need to actually introduce my boyfriend to Summer Wine. I tried to explain it to him but I don't think he's seen an episode yet. Lol maybe I can show him an episode when I'm at his apartment this weekend.
  12. Marina'sTwin


    Lol I sometimes drink adult beverages when I watch it too! I mostly drink Monster energy drinks (no wonder my stomach hates me, combining Takis and energy drinks) but when I do drink an adult beverage, it's usually either Cabernet Sauvignon or a flavored beer. I try not to drink too much tho...
  13. Marina'sTwin


    That's really cool! We call pork scratchings pork rinds over here. Interesting fact, the Carolina Reaper, which is the hottest pepper in the world and was created in my home state, was created by crossbreeding the habanero pepper and the Naga Viper. And yes, I've eaten one because my cousin/best...
  14. Marina'sTwin

    Marina`s stunt woman.

    I once went to a Halloween party dressed as Marina. It wasn't that different from how I normally dressed, I just switched my tight jeans for a short skirt and I had blonde hair back then (I dye it red now) but I didn't feel like doing my own hair like that so I just put on a wig that looked like...
  15. Marina'sTwin

    Book genres

    Lol I told my mom that and she was like "As long as she doesn't bury him in the back yard, she won't get caught." Lol My sister is into serial killers (she's a licensed social worker who has worked with a few people who have killed someone so it's not weird) and my mom likes to watch crime shows...
  16. Marina'sTwin


    So I guess this question fits here because it's kind of related to the show but not really. What's your favorite thing to snack on while watching the show? My favorite snack kind of depends on what food I'm obsessed with at the moment but lately it's been Takis, specifically the blue kind. My...
  17. Marina'sTwin

    50 Golden Summers Celebration Weekend (26-28 May)

    Thanks! I hope so too. And I do notice that Summer Wine is very calming for me. I have a friend I met in group therapy who likes British comedies and I should introduce her to it. She's going through a medicine change and that's never fun. She's been very depressed because the old medicine is...
  18. Marina'sTwin

    50 Golden Summers Celebration Weekend (26-28 May)

    This is so cool! I wish I could be there, but I can't travel. I'm going to have a hard enough time going to Florida this summer. I'm working on that with my therapist. It sure is fun being treated for not only addiction and mental illness but also recovering from agoraphobia. Some days I still...
  19. Marina'sTwin

    Book genres

    Hey, that's a good point, could Compo read? He also seemed to have issues pronouncing big words. I remember at least one episode where he had a problem with that but can't remember the name of the episode or what he was trying to pronounce but I distinctly remember him trying to pronounce...
  20. Marina'sTwin

    Book genres

    I think I can see Pearl reading murder mysteries. I could see her really enjoying the last book in the Good Girl's Guide to Murder series. I've read it and it does have some useful information about pinning a murder on someone else. You know, just in case she ever gets tired of Howard! Lol