

Dedicated Member
So I guess this question fits here because it's kind of related to the show but not really. What's your favorite thing to snack on while watching the show? My favorite snack kind of depends on what food I'm obsessed with at the moment but lately it's been Takis, specifically the blue kind. My boyfriend says I'm going to destroy my insides with those things and they should be outlawed because they are really spicy and they do make me sick if I eat too many but right now I can't get enough of them! Lol So what kind of snack do you guys like to eat while watching the show?
Not seen Takis in the UK but guess you can buy from Amazon and the like . Favourite snacks in the UK are varied and getting hotter by the day becomes a bravado contest between friends . Pork scratchings are popular [supposed to be the crispy skin from pigs but not so sure] they have started flavouring with chilli spotted some with Habanero and Naga chillies good luck with that . Asian snacks like Bombay mix and of course Peanuts seem popular also.
Not seen Takis in the UK but guess you can buy from Amazon and the like . Favourite snacks in the UK are varied and getting hotter by the day becomes a bravado contest between friends . Pork scratchings are popular [supposed to be the crispy skin from pigs but not so sure] they have started flavouring with chilli spotted some with Habanero and Naga chillies good luck with that . Asian snacks like Bombay mix and of course Peanuts seem popular also.
That's really cool! We call pork scratchings pork rinds over here. Interesting fact, the Carolina Reaper, which is the hottest pepper in the world and was created in my home state, was created by crossbreeding the habanero pepper and the Naga Viper. And yes, I've eaten one because my cousin/best friend dared me to and I projectile vomited! Lol
So I guess this question fits here because it's kind of related to the show but not really. What's your favorite thing to snack on while watching the show? My favorite snack kind of depends on what food I'm obsessed with at the moment but lately it's been Takis, specifically the blue kind. My boyfriend says I'm going to destroy my insides with those things and they should be outlawed because they are really spicy and they do make me sick if I eat too many but right now I can't get enough of them! Lol So what kind of snack do you guys like to eat while watching the show?
Not sure about snacks, but every time I watch 'Last of...' there is a necessity, for me, to drink a nice pint of beer that is, of course, laced with a decent barley wine.
Not sure about snacks, but every time I watch 'Last of...' there is a necessity, for me, to drink a nice pint of beer that is, of course, laced with a decent barley wine.
Lol I sometimes drink adult beverages when I watch it too! I mostly drink Monster energy drinks (no wonder my stomach hates me, combining Takis and energy drinks) but when I do drink an adult beverage, it's usually either Cabernet Sauvignon or a flavored beer. I try not to drink too much tho because my boyfriend gets mad at me if I overdo it. He's 33 so he's older and wiser and he thinks that gives him the right to tell me what to do. Lol It doesn't, but he likes to think it does! Lol
I need to actually introduce my boyfriend to Summer Wine. I tried to explain it to him but I don't think he's seen an episode yet. Lol maybe I can show him an episode when I'm at his apartment this weekend.
If like Marina‘s Twins boyfriend there was someone who had never watched a single episode of Last of the Summer Wine,and knew nothing about it,what single episode from the whole 31 series would you recommend,bearing in mind that the person watching did not know any of the characters at all,it’s difficult to choose.
If like Marina‘s Twins boyfriend there was someone who had never watched a single episode of Last of the Summer Wine,and knew nothing about it,what single episode from the whole 31 series would you recommend,bearing in mind that the person watching did not know any of the characters at all,it’s difficult to choose.
I'm actually trying to figure that out. I need to find an episode that kind of showcases all the characters at their best. He knows about Howard and Marina because I showed him a picture of her when I was telling him about the time I dressed as her for Halloween and I also explained their relationship and told him he better never try to be like Howard again! Lol

He has, but the lady's sister contacted me and we put a stop to it together. That's when he and I realized we were being very toxic to each other and decided to work on our relationship and things are definitely better between us now. He and I are now friends with her and we're trying to help her find a man of her own as much as we can. I wonder if that would have been a better ending for Howard, Pearl, and Marina? Lol
Sorry for the double post but I actually found Carolina Reaper coated almonds at the 7 Eleven when dad and I went to get alcohol and I was tempted to get them and eat them while I watch the show on Dailymotion but I'm actually allergic to almonds. The only thing that happens is that I get severe stomach cramps and throw up for a few hours but I didn't feel like dealing with that tonight (especially if I'm going to be drinking) so I didn't get them but I probably will when I get my new debit card (my old one got hacked) because I like spicy food right now so Carolina Reaper coated almonds is kind of right up my alley! Lol
I'm actually trying to figure that out. I need to find an episode that kind of showcases all the characters at their best.
I've asked a similar question myself on this forum in the past and most prefer the episodes around the middle of the series and slightly earlier. However this is also very a subjective question and different people like different episodes. I'm currently watching the entire series from start to finish (for a 2nd time!) and I've realised the style of the programme evolves over the passage of time. The very early episodes are very gritty and word based comedy, then the episodes turn into clown based physical comedy and towards the end it becomes a very gentle really slow paced comedy. Perhaps you should show him a selection from different era's and if he doesn't like any of them you can always find yourself a new boyfriend!!!!!! :D:D
I've asked a similar question myself on this forum in the past and most prefer the episodes around the middle of the series and slightly earlier. However this is also very a subjective question and different people like different episodes. I'm currently watching the entire series from start to finish (for a 2nd time!) and I've realised the style of the programme evolves over the passage of time. The very early episodes are very gritty and word based comedy, then the episodes turn into clown based physical comedy and towards the end it becomes a very gentle really slow paced comedy. Perhaps you should show him a selection from different era's and if he doesn't like any of them you can always find yourself a new boyfriend!!!!!! :D:D
Lol Yeah maybe I should show him a few different episodes! He's currently yelling at me over text for drinking. Lol I'm only on my 4th glass of wine! Lol He cares about my health and wellbeing and that's why he gets mad when I drink too much but I'm sure he'll lighten up Sunday when I come to his apartment and show him a few episodes. He says he has a surprise and, knowing him, it could be literally anything. Last time it was that he got a Nintendo Switch so we could play video games together. I have absolutely no idea what it could be this time. Lol
If I am able I have a cup of Yorkshire Tea and some biscuits. If I can get them it is Rich Tea, Jaffa Cakes, Walker's Shortbread and Hob Nobs.
That's awesome! I had to Google what Jaffa cakes and Hob Nobs are but they look delicious! I don't think we get those here in America, at least not in my area, but I think the closest thing we have to Hob Nobs is graham crackers and the closest thing we have to Jaffa cakes is those cakes that I can't remember the name of right now but they're really good. I bet we can probably order Hob Nobs and Jaffa cakes on Amazon tho!
We'll probably see news coverage of the coronation.

My uncle is currently here and apparently my cousin Devon is in jail. He needs to stop hanging around with the wrong people. He got shot 5 times last year. The dude is lucky to be alive and he's wasting his life. But I guess he's going to have to learn the hard way like I had to. I told my uncle to let me know when he gets out because I'd like to knock some sense into him! Lol