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  1. and7barton

    We've lost Geoffrey Bayldon

    Yes, he who was Catweazle - but also starred in "Adopted by a Stray", as the character Broadbent.
  2. and7barton


    I'm on there and have been for a few years. It's a bit of a mess with the ads showing everywhere.
  3. and7barton

    Tom Owen in earlier LOSW ?

    Yes. I tend to concentrate on the main characters and their conversation........ Must start looking around at other people on the set. I recall, in early episodes I kept seeing a bloke in the pub in the background who looked very like Stuart (from "Mending Stuart's Leg"). Another actor who...
  4. and7barton

    Tom Owen in earlier LOSW ?

    Yep, I did mention "Situations Vacant" in my initial message - I was wondering about additional appearances without a speaking part.
  5. and7barton

    Tom Owen in earlier LOSW ?

    Did Tom Owen appear in earlier episodes than "From here to Paternity", apart from his well known brief speaking part in "Situations Vacant" ? - I ask because a website I looked at today, mentioned a number of brief appearances in the show, both speaking and non-speaking. Was he lurking in the...
  6. and7barton

    Seeing Double.

    Did Tom Owen appear in earlier episodes than "From here to Paternity", in addition to his well known brief speaking part in "Situations Vacant" ? - I ask because a website I looked at today, mentioned a number of brief appearances in the show, both speaking and non-speaking. Was he lurking in...
  7. and7barton

    Something I always wondered about

    Perhaps we should have asked Marjorie Earlier.
  8. and7barton

    Something I always wondered about

    It's a little piece of nonsense to make us smile. We don't need to know how the egg got there........ it's make-believe, remember.
  9. and7barton

    Jane Freeman

    I believe she was 81.
  10. and7barton

    Actually, my shown birthdate is incorrect. It's 1947. Unable to change it on here.

    Actually, my shown birthdate is incorrect. It's 1947. Unable to change it on here.
  11. and7barton

    Why is Big Day at Dream Acres so bad?

    I feel the same way about "A Quiet Drink" - I think both of those shows are pretty dire.
  12. and7barton

    Filming Sites/Locations

    Thanks for your succinct, analytical and accurate observations !
  13. and7barton

    Filming Sites/Locations

    I believe Clegg's and Howard's house were further up the hill - actually backing onto Bunker Hill.
  14. and7barton

    Filming Sites/Locations

    Yes. It's gone. The inside shots were done in a studio I think. The actual building didn't have seats inside when I saw it. The derelict site is now occupied by business premises.
  15. and7barton

    The Man Who Nearly Knew Pavarotti .

    Ha ! - Brilliantly done !
  16. and7barton

    Another one gone - Gordon Kaye

    Yes, from 'Allo 'Allo - another old favourite has departed.
  17. and7barton

    Characters that are "REAL" as opposed to being acted.

    I'm not aware that Sarah Thomas has ever played in any other show. I could be mistaken here, but She seems to have no presence on IMDB or google, other than as Glenda.
  18. and7barton

    Compo's Statue Update

    I do metal casting with a high temperature furnace. If I need bronze, I find it's cheaper to melt down my old bronze coinage than to buy the equivalent in bronze stock, though I mostly cast stuff in aluminium.
  19. and7barton

    Peter and Chuckle.

    Don't forget - Mr Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds....... I'll fetch my coat........
  20. and7barton

    Compo's Statue Update

    There's a problem with placing a bronze statue in a public place these days ........ I don't need to explain any further .........