It is difficult to get a sense of direction from the photos I saw. I'd like to know where specific locations are in relation to main landmarks. I suppose I would have to see a kind of LOTSW Map to the Stars, as it were, or be there in person.
See the Summerwine Map link, just under the Forums tab in the toolbar at the top of the page. There are currently 290 locations marked on it, so there are clusters of pins piled on one another in some areas. You can zoom in to spread the pins out, so you can click on just one to see the description. Or you can start from the list of pin "titles" to go to a particular location. When you select a location, you'll see a bent arrow in the red title bar at the top of the description. Click that to go to another version of Google maps showing your selected pin and allowing you to drag and drop the little human into street view at the pin location. You can toggle between aerial and map view on both maps.
To see where I was standing when I made the photo of St John's church, go to the location named "Pilot Episode", then go south-east up the hill to the next street. I was standing directly across from the house where Blamire lodged and facing a bit north of due west toward "Compo's Church".
When I made the photo of Victoria Square, the church and Clegg's/Howard's house, I was standing at the "Uncle of the Bride" location facing the actual location of the house, due east and a couple of steps north of the "Cleggy & Howard" location.
Where was Norman Clegg's first house? He lived next to Howard and Pearl Sibshaw, then they were relocated and continued to be neighbors.
Click on "Cleggy & Howard" in the locations list to get close to the house that you're probably thinking of, then go east and north as described above. The one used for Clegg's house in the early series isn't marked on the map and the location is very difficult to describe, so here's a screen grab from Google Earth as far as I can determine based on a long-ago conversation with Terry on this forum. I added the label "Clegg's?" on the roof.

The image is oriented conventionally (North at the top). You can find it on the Summerwine Map by matching the road names and the marked businesses, then you can see it's relationship to the marked locations nearby. I'd love to make a photo of it, but the access to it is very private so that's probably impossible.
I wonder if Nora's house is across the water from Edie's house?
Nora's house is in Holmfirth, on Scarfold. Edie's house is about 1.2 miles up Woodhead Road, then turn left and cross the river. See "Nora & Compo's" and "Edi & Wesley" in the locations list.
Is the Cafe on a main street? It seems to be located in a valley, since it has two sets of steps close by.
The contours are complicated there because it's very near the intersection of two river valleys, the River Ribble and the River Holme. Again, see the locations map. The long flight of steps comes down the hill to the east and the short flight comes down the hill to the south. The cafe is one of the buildings on the south side of Church Yard. Another cafe, Beatties, is on the east side, and the side of the parish church is directly across from Sid's. As you walk out the door and turn left you pass the side of the hardware store before reaching the fourth side of the yard, which is open to the street (Town Gate) where there are a couple of shallow steps down to sidewalk level. That's because when the 1476 stone church was swept away by the 1777 flood, the parishioners raised the area up on a plinth and located the door at 90 degrees to the street to protect the building from future floods. The strategy worked — the building has suffered little or no damage in subsequent floods.