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  1. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fanart comic #107!! Here we thought giant carrots were strange!
  2. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #106!! Compo is yet again trying to woo the ladies, and especially Nora Batty!
  3. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Glad to do them. The interest in these I see here and on the fb fan pages/yahoo groups is why I continue them. I know everyone misses the show and I hope that I still put a touch of the show in the ones that I make.
  4. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #105 !
  5. M

    A Bicycle Made for Three

    I haven't done any location findings lately, but have we ever found the location, I think either outside of Dirk's garage or outside where the trio were working on their bicycles? I know we've tried and I think some thought it might've been up the hill from The White Horse.. All I remember is a...
  6. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #104 ! It's another lazy day relaxing on the Yorkshire Dales for the trio.
  7. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Thanks everyone! Though, it posted here in January, it was supposed to be December's comic.. lol Not sure why it didn't post when I initially put it out. Sorry about that and Happy New Year everyone!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Ok for some reason this didn't post two days ago...
  9. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #102!
  10. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    And it continues!!!! Here's #101
  11. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    From what I can tell and read. I think it's near the pocket park area in Holmfirth... but now looking at Google Earth and Street View... I don't think it is. What I'm talking about is what looks like a four sided pillar with an engraving of Compo (from head to shoulders) that I've seen on the...
  12. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Finally here! Summer Wine Comic #100 !!!!!! I tried to make it special, so it's in two pages/parts. Here's to 100 and 100 more! Part 1/2 Part 2/2
  13. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #99 !! I can retire after #100 ! *sees Nora Batty coming after him with the broom* Maybe not!
  14. M

    Anyone Else noticed this

    I have noticed that, but I wondered if it was just because of different lighting or something.
  15. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #98!!! Closer and closer!!
  16. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine comic #97!
  17. M

    Claye's Drawings

    Reading the posts here. I'm glad everyone likes the little book feature here of the comics I've done. Right now, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that an illustration I did for a Doctor Who Illustration contest was selected among other "fan art" drawings/illustrations and will be...
  18. M

    RIP Peter Sallis

    I did this drawing/video a few years back. Felt it was appropriate to link in here again after today's news... RIP Cleggy..
  19. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #96! Seymour is at it with his inventions again!
  20. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fan art comic #95.... Into The Wild Blue Yonder, Once More!