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  1. RickAns

    Our Barry

    Happy Birthday!! :01:**^^<::18:
  2. RickAns

    Be Aware

    Wow, I did not know the price of gum had gotten so high.
  3. RickAns

    Downhill Racer

    Animals like having fun too. :D
  4. RickAns

    Nearly *not* the longest running sitcom in history.

    When there are huge, many year gaps in between seasons when the viewer is not ever sure if there will be another episode or series to come... Should that can be included in the 'run time' of a show? I don't think so. Near consecutive yearly seasons, yes that should count. Gaps should be...
  5. RickAns

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    I remember Oasis, Blur, The Verve... Britpop from the 1990's. Some good days back then.
  6. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies

    Message inbound, Mashi.
  7. RickAns

    Gentle Comedies

    I don't remember much of the last few seasons of ATGB. A few things I do recall of the later parts with lukewarmness. More on me I guess because a plot line or two did not play out as I would have liked. One episode I do recall with a chuckle was when the ladies thought Lionel was losing...
  8. RickAns


    Thank you, Pearl. Could not think of the title of the episode and I see you already mentioned it, oops. :)
  9. RickAns

    How a Steam Locomotive Works

    Animagraffs has some great videos.
  10. RickAns


    Tractor pulling a slurry tank of fertilizer that sprayed onto and into Edi's car. When the guys thought they would be clever and get a tow.
  11. RickAns

    Big or little "C"

    Great news!
  12. RickAns

    A(n im)proper ending...

    Nicely done, Onslow.
  13. RickAns

    TV within Summerwine Land

    Hiyas @mashibinbin I thought Gorden was great in this episode. Only know of him from 'Allo, 'Allo which is another great series. I take it you have seen it as well? :)
  14. RickAns

    Did they hire it ?

    I can see an episode made around that idea. Foggy has tried dog walking, parking valet services, sight seeing tours, etc.
  15. RickAns

    Did they hire it ?

    Had not noticed that before. They are all three elsewhere and talking with other people. Then the next scene change the trio are in a boat and have somehow convinced Compo to be the only one paddling the boat along the canal.
  16. RickAns

    Mulled wine

    Some nice Glühwein. :)
  17. RickAns

    Episode 5 When Advent was a load of Flannel

    That's good news Moggie Moo. Allow them percolate on their own time, brewed to perfection. On a tangent, MM. Have read any of the books by Peter Tenniswood or listened to his radio series? Both of which helped spawn the TV show "I Didn't Know You Cared?" In a roundabout way I guess I am...
  18. RickAns

    Huddersfield at Christmas by The Flight Stuff

    Some more great drone footage of Huddersfield getting in the mood for Christmas by The Flight Stuff. So pretty.
  19. RickAns

    Hurry. The tide leaves in six minutes.

    Basil always did have a way with words.
  20. RickAns


    That might be a good way to earn a clout 'round the ear hole. :eek2: