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  1. Dennisbn514

    RIP Smiler

    I tried to play it but the BBC has it blocked.
  2. Dennisbn514

    Windows 10

    I loved XP also but would be concerned now because Microsoft discontinued support for XP in April of 2014. I use my computer for business and personal transactions including banking, investments, credit cards, etc. Without Microsoft support, you will no longer receive security updates that can...
  3. Dennisbn514

    Series 30 & 31

    Or was the writing for the Foggy character supposed to represent the desire to return to their youthful days? After all, isn't part of the foundation of the series about 3 elderly gents trying to relive some of their good old days gone by? I think pretending to be a super hero, a sports hero...
  4. Dennisbn514

    Summerwine,and sport.

    Didn't Foggy attempt to go for a swim in "Cheering Up Gordon" in the frigid waters off Scarborough?
  5. Dennisbn514

    Summer Wine Books

    My Story, Wrinkles & All by Kathy Staff (Jun 1999)
  6. Dennisbn514

    Hello Everyone Sorry for deserting you all

    Welcome back! It has been rather quiet around here. We need you to liven us up and re-energize the troops. It sounds like your acting adventure is moving along nicely. Congratulations!
  7. Dennisbn514

    A Brief Excursion in the Fast Lane.

    Pete...thanks again for the beautiful photos. The picture with the dry stacked walls is very peaceful looking (but perhaps a little muddy). I am always amazed at the amount of time and effort it must have taken to build all those walls. How do you find the exact spot of so many of the filming...
  8. Dennisbn514

    Seymour's Design for a garage, or maybe Wesley's ?

    I was curious, so I looked for your garages on Google. It is very interesting indeed!
  9. Dennisbn514

    Compo and Nora.

    Thanks Pete for the pictures. Is this in Holmfirth or one of the surrounding towns?
  10. Dennisbn514

    However did we manage before the mobile/cell phone.??

    As I was pondering your question Dick, it occurred to me that we (a collective "we" meaning mankind) are usually looking for a faster, more efficient, and more convenient way of doing things. The automobile replaced the horse & buggy. The airplane allowed for faster travel than automobiles and...
  11. Dennisbn514

    New DVD Player??

    Here ya go Chuck! Your troubles are over.....not sure what "recertified" means, but it appears the technology is out there...
  12. Dennisbn514

    A walk on the Summer Wine hills.

    The photos are included in the first messages of this thread. Go back to #1 through about #10.
  13. Dennisbn514

    My Barry...............

    "My Barry fancies Spain this year." "I don't think my Barry wants to go and kill bulls." (The Dewhursts of Ogleby Hall)
  14. Dennisbn514

    For Lovers of Steam Engines

    Beautiful machines.......thanks for the post.
  15. Dennisbn514

    Hawes Live Web Cam

    I have the cam on messages or problems. Looks like a nice little town.
  16. Dennisbn514

    Website to View LOTSW Episodes

    I am also a FireFox browser user, but I just tried both the Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers and got the same requests as you to download ILivid or update something. I would never download anything from a banner ad or pop-up. In a previous thread, we discussed the pop-up ads appearing on...
  17. Dennisbn514

    Follow that Bottle.

    Thanks so much Pete. I will look for it on the map. Great pics again!
  18. Dennisbn514

    Follow that Bottle.

    Terry, is the bridge identified on our Google Summer Wine location map?
  19. Dennisbn514

    The Cafe

    Great pictures...thanks Pete. Keep them coming! Looking forward to the shots of Howard and Pearl's.
  20. Dennisbn514

    Chuck, I copied and pasted this address into my Explorer and Firefox browsers. Both came up with "not found".