Windows 10


Staff member
Last night I managed to upgrade my Windows 8.1 to 10 with no problems,took about 20 minutes followed by a bit of manual tweaking for the graphics settings,I did not expect to get it on the day of release as Microsoft said the would ease the software out over several days

I will report back after a few days with any issue's as I suspect there will be some bugs

Having worked at/for IBM for 30 years, run our web sites, done
assembler programming, used all manner and means of software,
I just gotta say: I REALLY LIKE WINDOWS XP PRO!!! If possible, I
will never ever upgrade to any other op sys. I can start apps, find
files, maintain a clean system with ease. (Tried 7 once; never
again!!). Every time M'soft comes out with a newer, better
system, it gets cludgier and cludgier, and takes more and more
time/effort to use.

Having worked at/for IBM for 30 years, run our web sites, done
assembler programming, used all manner and means of software,
I just gotta say: I REALLY LIKE WINDOWS XP PRO!!! If possible, I
will never ever upgrade to any other op sys. I can start apps, find
files, maintain a clean system with ease. (Tried 7 once; never
again!!). Every time M'soft comes out with a newer, better
system, it gets cludgier and cludgier, and takes more and more
time/effort to use.

I'm with you I worked in IT and networking for 35 years and one of the main reason I rapped in last year was everything is packaged and menu driven which is not only de-skilling but of absolutely no use when things go wrong. If you don't get to know the guts of everything how can you ever fix things when they go wrong . Early days I was a programmer and spent time working in machine code so I got the knowledge which put me in a position that I could pretty much fix any problem that came up . An analogy is cars you pop the hood of any modern car and all you see is a casing which may as well have keep your hands off stamped all over it Not that I am a mechanic but for those who have been in a position to learn skills in car maintenance it must be so frustrated because they are being denied access to the engine and charged for the "privilege", where you have to take your car to the garage to have some computer attached to tell you what is wrong for which they charge you £90 . :unhappy:
Well so far the problems I have had to solve are

1. The software that monitors all temperatures inside the case along with the liquid cooling had to be upgraded

2. There was a issue with the virtual network adaptor for my VPN, this took me a couple of hours to resolve but now working

I can understand the folk that want to stick with what they know and can control,but I like to keep on top of the new stuff and see how easy it is to fix if it breaks, plus I like the 10 secs from pressing the power button to being able to use the PC, or watching 4k video content on the monitor,which is stunning
I loaded 10 today, certainly different! I don't understand some of it but will persevere it was supposed to take approx. 20 minutes, More like an hour!!. I understand I have a month to get used to it then I can change back if I wish. My son advised me to try it because he is going to . When he do's maybe he can help me!:39:
With the help of a very nice man who will remain nameless :pc: ( Thank you Terry) I too upgraded to 10 today and have to say I'm not hating it. I've found all the knobs and switches I need and one or two I don't need. It took over an hour to do but had reassuring messages pop up now and then :02:, all very non condescending! :35:

However its done. I've been waiting for it blow up :tw: but so far so good. :respect:
I used to be totally addicted to XP, but have moved on from those blinkered days.
I don't know how many of you have noticed, but Windows version usability is in a definite pattern.
1. Windows 3.(1,2 etc) Very good, new toy, great to use.
2. Windows 95, clunky, a bitch to install drivers, useless!
3. Windows 98, Brilliant, this was windows 95 on steroids. Worked!
4. Windows 2000, A MUST FORGET.
5. Windows XP, My favourite for speed, efficiency though still produced many (far too many) blue screens of death (BSODS)
(As an aside, I still have a Windows XP on one of my server machines for php development work, only one that runs one particular piece of software)
6. Windows Vista...... even Micro$oft tried to disown this one!
7. Windows 7, Excellent, worked out of the box and was the first really intelligent version of Windows, installing drivers automatically for instance.
8: Windows 8, I get the feeling that Micro$oft are gonna be trying to forget this one too. Tried too hard, and took far too much away from the user. Loathsome!
9. Windows 10 WOW, what an eye opener. Great, installed itself almost flawlessly/faultlessly, all drivers in place and even looks familiar (like 7). There are a few niggles, but hey, it's brand new.

see the pattern, good - bad - good - bad - etc.

My main machine is STILL A MAC :15:
I used to be totally addicted to XP

I am still addicted to XP Pro. We have it on about 6 machines here
at home. (Wife does have one running 7.)

Having worked for IBM and Cisco for many many years, I do have
some limited experience with PC operating systems. And I still
prefer XP and hope it keeps running. I can always find files and
programs, and predict how they will behave.

I have tried 7 and I don't like it. Seems like they, on purpose,
made stuff really hard to find when it was so easy/obvious in XP.

Every year or so I format C: and reinstall XP and whatever applications
I am using at the time, leaving all my data on other drives. That way
I usually have a refreshed copy of XP without any niggling problems.

Just a quick update on my Windows 10 move. Although it turned out my security didn't pop over from 8 to 10 with the upgrade, all sorted now, I'm still happy with the layout and the move in general. I'd recommend it no end, its much better than the horrid 8 and even worse 81/2.
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I am still addicted to XP Pro.

I loved XP also but would be concerned now because Microsoft discontinued support for XP in April of 2014. I use my computer for business and personal transactions including banking, investments, credit cards, etc. Without Microsoft support, you will no longer receive security updates that can help protect your PC from harmful viruses, spyware, and other malicious software that can steal your personal information. Microsoft will no longer provide automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance.

I currently use Windows 7 and look forward to 10 after hearing all the member comments.
Well so far

I have had no issue's with the update except for the previous 2 problems mentioned,since then everything seems to work,I see you no longer have to swipe the aps to the bottom of the screen to close them, they have put the X back in the corner to close them, I did see this info about privacy settings which is worth a read

Since windows 8 the start button was terrible, the windows 10 is a little better, on 8 I used this which is very similar to the 7 and previous versions start button and it works fine in 10 so worth installing

A quick update: Been on 10 for a week now and have to say I'm still not hating it. Other than the initial issue with the security and my still flicking the side for the non existent sliding side bar to switch it off, :02: I'm happy, yes, I used that word HAPPY. :37:

I've been desperately looking for something to moan about but no! :tw:

So I'd recommend it and I think after Terry's lie down in a darken room for a week :13: He's recovered too. I can highly recommend his services too 8)
Well.... Didn't I speak too soon!!! Wireless printer got left behind anall.

A few people I know who have HP printers have had problems,if it is a HP then uninstall printer,reconnect printer via USB or make sure the wireless side is all set up, then go to HP support via Google Chrome only, put in your model and use HP's find my printer and it should set it up for you
The Windows 10 upgrade was ready for my Acer Iconia W500 tablet this morning, so I blithely started the download, only to discover that it needs way more disc space on the ~30 GB hard drive than I can make available without uninstalling other critical software. All the data on that computer is on the expansion card, so I can't free up space by off-loading data to the desktop. When I bought this machine three years ago the hard drive seemed huge!

I don't want to replace it anytime soon. I just spent what seemed like way too much for a new battery and more on top of that to have it installed, as I didn't have the nerve to apply enough pressure to pry the case open. Looks like I'll be using Windows 7 on this one and 10 on my desktop. I hope the consequences will be no worse than a bit confusing!
Another issue with 10 as a upgrade,if you do not have the original software on your computer after you have upgraded and 10 crashes,the only thing you can then do is buy it,if you have the original 7 or 8 on disc and 10 crashes,then you will have to install this first then upgrade to 10 again

If you have space then the best solution,once 10 is finely tuned to how you want it, is to make a image file and recovery cd,both can be done by going into the Control Panel,File History,click on system image backup,create a system image and follow the instructions, you could back it up to DVD which would need 8-12 discs
