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  1. Dennisbn514

    Cafe,the First time I have spotted this

    That makes sense...probably the case.
  2. Dennisbn514

    Cafe,the First time I have spotted this

    And just to take this "what-the-heck-is-it?" theme a little further......what the heck are the 2 cement pillars in the middle of the walkway behind the cafe? I was looking through some pictures that I have saved over the years and see they are obviously there today (see attached picture). It...
  3. Dennisbn514

    Forum members who do the washing.

    I know what you mean Dick!
  4. Dennisbn514

    Cafe,the First time I have spotted this

    To add to the Cafe Lean-to mystery Attached is a Google Maps street view of the rear of the Café as it looks today (or at least as it was when the picture was taken). This view is looking at the church and Café courtyard where you can see some people sitting. There appears to be an outline of...
  5. Dennisbn514

    Calling All Gardeners.

    I'm not a gardener Pearl, but this could be a close relative?? It is beautiful whatever variety it is.
  6. Dennisbn514

    British English V American English.

    When I was learning to drive at age 15 or 16, most vehicles were standard transmission, meaning you had 3 pedals....the clutch, the brake, and the gas (accelerator). If you were required to stop while going up a steep hill, you had to depress the clutch pedal with one foot (to disengage the...
  7. Dennisbn514


    Thanks Terry ...... The mystery is solved. And thanks to Mr. Bell......Great work!
  8. Dennisbn514

    British English V American English.

    I am familiar with the manual throttle that you are referring to being used on farm tractors and various equipment where there are no foot pedals. Also used in aviation. Some of the earlier (classic) automobiles may have had throttles, but they also had a manual choke on the dashboard that was...
  9. Dennisbn514

    British English V American English.

    I have found a few sports related word differences. I started following the English Premier League a few years ago and am finally getting the idea on certain word meanings: Football (UK) / Soccer (US) Pitch / Field Fixtures / Schedule Table / Standings Floor /...
  10. Dennisbn514

    Hardware update (on my own PC)

    Wow! Now that is a fan! Is that a motorbike engine? I need one of those.
  11. Dennisbn514


    Attached is a crude screen capture of the dog at Cleggy's from "A Tale of Two Sweaters". It sure looks like they are shooting from inside the actual cottage of the private residence.
  12. Dennisbn514


    From an earlier thread, someone mentioned it was "A Tale of Two Sweaters".....series 27. I haven't confirmed that.
  13. Dennisbn514

    Church Yard, Holmfirth

    Great research work Marianna! Very interesting information about the history of our beloved Holmfirth. I get the impression you have done this type stuff in the past! Dennis
  14. Dennisbn514


    I just watched "Return of the Warrior" (S12-E01) when Cleggy and Compo were depressed about the departure of Seymour.....and they each put 4 spoonfuls in their teas.
  15. Dennisbn514

    British Army Uniform Caps

    Is this the one? Here is an officer's dress cap for the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, perhaps the most colorful British Army dress cap. Made, as usual, by Herbert Johnson, it appears unworn. I added the black felt background to the badge, often missing, that is used to honor the memory of...
  16. Dennisbn514

    Website to View LOTSW Episodes

    Is anyone familiar with this site? I was away from my home computer and did a search on an episode and this site came up. It appears to have an extensive list of episodes that can actually be watched. I previously used YouTube, but that has since been blocked...
  17. Dennisbn514

    The Post box.
  18. Dennisbn514


    I agree. I am a little north of you in central Pennsylvania and sometimes we get a very heavy snow in March. I think we in the northeast of the US are ready for spring!
  19. Dennisbn514

    Holmfirth traffic on webcam

    Don't some vehicles have daytime running lights that come on automatically when the vehicle is started? A safety feature I believe.
  20. Dennisbn514

    Found a Live Holmfirth Webcam

    Really interesting. It is a continuous live feed too.......not just a still shot every 30-40 seconds. Thanks!