Found a Live Holmfirth Webcam


Staff member
Spotted this today,not brilliant quality but it is live,can be a bit jittery,not sure yet where in Holmfirth it is located,but appears to be in Station Road a short distance down from the bus station looking towards the Cafe
... not sure yet where in Holmfirth it is located,but appears to be in Station Road a short distance down from the bus station looking towards the Cafe

The business is almost directly across from the two Bamforth's buildings. The camera must be on the end of the building, possibly in the top corner of the ground floor window, the side further from the street. The empty lot next to that Bamforth's building is in the left foreground. The entrance to the park is in the foreground just right of center.

This is terrific!

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It appears the snow is slowly going in Holmfirth,they have had a lot of fog to contend with on the tops,looks a very grey day there today,not even a sticky bun would tempt me to visit
Watching just now and a group of cyclist headed away from town,maybe about 20 of them,it could be that lot Foggy caused the accident with and they are still looking for him