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  1. Dennisbn514

    Snow returns

    Beautiful pictures....thanks for sharing them!
  2. Dennisbn514

    Tony. I didn't know if you were aware, but I just noticed that the link to the maps appears to...

    Tony. I didn't know if you were aware, but I just noticed that the link to the maps appears to be off. Take care. Thanks
  3. Dennisbn514

    Crisp Sarnie anyone?? Looks rather tasty.
  4. Dennisbn514

    What business is in the building between the bridge and Thomas Cook?

    As of May, 2014, it was looking like it might be a betting shop. It appears those plans were cancelled and the building was put up for sale.
  5. Dennisbn514

    Tinkers Monument.

    Thanks for the great pictures Pete. They all look familiar.
  6. Dennisbn514

    Happy Birthday Dennisbn514

    Belated Birthday Thank you A very belated thank you for all the happy birthday wishes. Always a pleasure to check in to the forum and see what is going on.
  7. Dennisbn514

    Is this the I didn't know you cared pub ?

    Great pictures....thanks Pete!
  8. Dennisbn514

    Windows 10 Preview

    Thanks Tony. I agree with you about Windows 7 being easy to use. I thought XP was great, but 7 has been excellent. I look forward to seeing what 10 has to offer.
  9. Dennisbn514

    Selby Abbey.

    Thanks for the pictures. What a spectacular building. You are fortunate to be able to visit and enjoy such beauty.
  10. Dennisbn514

    Jean Furgusson Article

    Thanks for posting the link to the article. It is nice to read about some of the minor characters in the series too. Jean Fergusson certainly made the Marina character her own. Did Marina have a last name?
  11. Dennisbn514

    Converted SW DVDs to AVI files

    Thanks Don. I have been looking for another source. The Pirate Bay and others have limited selections.
  12. Dennisbn514

    Converted SW DVDs to AVI files

    btw - what program are you using? When I first started saving files, I used the torrent site "The Box".......which I think you have used also. I used the program µTorrent to download all the episodes from "The Box" to the hard drive of desktop. I then started to create DVD's from the hard...
  13. Dennisbn514

    Converted SW DVDs to AVI files

    Double back-up Like you Chuck, I have all of my LOSW and several other TV series backed up as AVI files to an external hard drive. Since external storage devices are relatively inexpensive, I bought a 2nd one and backed up everything to it in case the first one fails.
  14. Dennisbn514

    September 2014 ask Amos

    Hi Amos. Who was your favorite 3rd man in the series?
  15. Dennisbn514

    Addicted to LOTSW in Indiana

    There are several of us from the USA in the forum. Welcome from Pennsylvania.
  16. Dennisbn514

    Tilly - Supreme

    She is a beautiful bird. What species of owl is she?
  17. Dennisbn514

    My Mum

    Thinking of you during your time of loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family. Dennis
  18. Dennisbn514

    Being a Kid

    Like many others, riding bikes everywhere. I must have had 10,000 miles on my bike (at least it seemed like it to me!). I rode to baseball practice and Little League games, to the playground for pick-up games, to the river, and to my grandparents house. I could only have been 10 or 11 years old...
  19. Dennisbn514

    Plant in Webcam.

    The culprit plants are on both sides of the Cafe and above the window at Beatties Deli & Coffee Shop. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago for the Tour de France.
  20. Dennisbn514

    A Thought - A Fresh Viewpoint

    Great topic Big Unc. It really got me reflecting on the series. I don't think there is any question that had the series started with Alvin, Entwistle and Truly as the main trio, it would have been a struggle for me to stay interested for very long. I did not find any of them to be especially...