Crisp Sarnie anyone??


LOTSW Fanatic
A shop opened in Belfast yesterday selling crisp sarnies and sold out in two hours!! The bread was what is called a Belfast Bap, slightly burnt on top but fluffy inside. All flavours were available, you could add a slice of cheese if you wished and have soup or another drink. They were buttered and then the crisps were stacked and the top of the bap was just crammed on.:29:
OK, ok, y'all gotta clarify this. Are you talking about a
sandwich (sarnie?) stuffed with potato chips (crisps?)??

I really cannot conceive of this. Are the crisps mashed down
into a mush?
OK, ok, y'all gotta clarify this. Are you talking about a
sandwich (sarnie?) stuffed with potato chips (crisps?)??

I really cannot conceive of this. Are the crisps mashed down
into a mush?

Mashed down?? Good heavens no!! Two slices of buttered bread, butter not marg! pile the crisps on and bite down.... :hungry::hungry::hungry:

Crisps=potato chips
Buttie =sandwhich.
How thick we talking here? How many layers of crisps?

In some pix, looks like just a wee bit. In other pix looks
like an inch or so. Whick izzit likely to be???

Look at my picture, thats how thick I have it. It depends on how big the crisps are, there's a knack to it and everyone has different levels of thickness depending on taste.
Just gotta say, and I am a potato chip freak, that I'd much
rather munch a bag of chips right out of the bag than
slather them in buttered bread. Just saying ....
So let me get this straight. We're talking about potato chips on a sandwich?? Very interesting. I'll have to try it.
So let me get this straight. We're talking about potato chips on a sandwich?? Very interesting. I'll have to try it.

Not just on the sandwich, as in layered on top of tuna salad sandwich filling (tuna mayonnaise on the other side of the pond), but potato chips as the sole filling in the sandwich. It sounds like a surfeit of starch to me.

Not just on the sandwich, as in layered on top of tuna salad sandwich filling (tuna mayonnaise on the other side of the pond), but potato chips as the sole filling in the sandwich. It sounds like a surfeit of starch to me.


Crisp sandwiches, banana sandwiches, Weetabix with butter and jam. All staples when I was growing up.
Crisp Sarnie

I was not be worth a fortune if I had have been. It stemmed from school get your packed lunch down your neck in 5 seconds flat to get out and play football very occasionally tried as an adult and have to say it was not an unpleasant experience give it a whirl see what you think.
I put crisps in sandwiches and subs with meats and cheeses before to add a crunch, but never crisps alone. Then again, it might depend on the flavor of crisps that make it so good.

I often like eating 3-4 crisps at one time for the extra crunch and texture.
My cousin and I did that when we were kids. We had a sandwich probably ham, turkey, bologna YUCK for my sister. We thought it would taste good. We were told not to play with our food. I have seen my husband do it just to make it crunchy. All going to the same place anyway. Don't think we did just the chips though. Good idea. OOOH salt and vinegar chips would be great on white bread.
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