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  1. cornishman

    Snow - Where?

    Superb :)
  2. cornishman

    Snow - Where?

    Just seen an article on an on-line news page which explained that in Staffordshire (UK) there had been so much snow that cars had to be abandoned, and displayed the following image of the "so much snow" What can I say, when I was in the States that would be regarded as a light dusting, when...
  3. cornishman

    Should I be worried

    Just been on my energy providers site, into my account. I have a so-called "smart meter". Just took a screeny of the most recent readings According to my calculations that would make my next bill in the region of £17500.00 If the meter is that smart how can a previous reading be higher than...
  4. cornishman

    Confused on this one

    Am staggered that it's not even mentioned!
  5. cornishman


    Very well put, and the same sentiments from me to you all.
  6. cornishman

    Anybody a Beatles fan?

    Always been a fan of Billy Preston, amazing keyboard artist.
  7. cornishman

    Anybody a Beatles fan?

    Well, if you are you REALLY need to see this If you can't see this, or the link won't work due to your location simply do a youtube/video search for "Beatles get back"
  8. cornishman

    Just For Tony

    I'm waiting patiently for the intravenous ones :)
  9. cornishman

    From the shoutbox

    Perfectly put, thank you.
  10. cornishman

    From the shoutbox

    I'm sorry Dick, I meant the general "mood" of those posts, definitely nothing personal.
  11. cornishman

    From the shoutbox

    dick: I held my wife as she died and watched the light go out of her eyes. Still miss her !: frown2: Today at 9:29 AM mikey1965uk...
  12. cornishman

    Calendar Post and Competition.

    What's "Facebook"?
  13. cornishman

    Random Question 01

    So, what sign wasn't Marina born under?
  14. cornishman

    Another of Life's Imponderable' s??

    Yep, I can vouch for that too.
  15. cornishman

    Another of Life's Imponderable' s??

    This is a bone of contention! I fasten the press-studs on my duvet cover, but EVERY SINGLE TIME the tee-shirts end up inside the duvet, in the furthest corner WHY WHY WHY....:13:
  16. cornishman

    Politically correct curve yet to be flattened

    Can you imagine the furore if they tried to remake LOTSW as-was now. assault, theft, language.... PC lot would have a bloo*y field day!
  17. cornishman

    Yet another boo boo

    Wonder if this guy should really be there? Seen in the episode "Who's Thrown Her Tom Cruise Photographs Away".
  18. cornishman

    Murphy's law-again!

    So, looked out my window, saw beautiful clear blue sky as far as the eye can see, so decision made. Go put my walking boots on, don the fleece and cagoule, pick up the stick and go out the front door.......mistake! Sky is now black as a ravens armpit, heavens are emptying themselves and it's...