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  1. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    Special -1987 BIG DAY AT DREAM ACRES. Everybody is going to the garden party at 'Dream Acres'. Ivy is doing the catering and Seymour is providing the public address system. Because the system is mobile Compo {who's just had his trousers mended by Seymour) has to carry the speakers...
  2. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    1985 SPECIAL. UNCLE OF THE BRIDE. Rosemary [the post lady with the biggest round] delivers parcels to Compo and Clegg. When opened they find decorated eggs from Foggy, who has gone to Bridlington to inherit his uncle's business. They decide to give the eggs to Wesley and Edie's daughter...
  3. cornishman

    Something to keep you amused

    He's (about to) kick the bucket
  4. cornishman


    Ivy - I need feeding - I'm a growing lad :D Wesley - I just really enjoy his sense of humour Auntie Wainright - Dunno why
  5. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    Sorry it's taking so long, but I'm having to convert from image to text (ocr) reformat the text (manually, line by line) and then chell-spek.
  6. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 8 1984 - 6 Programmes 1 Special Special - THE LOXLEY LOZENGE. Wesley needs some assistance, but fancy asking our trio for help!! After being thrown out of the cafe because Ivy thinks Foggy eats earwigs, they go to the pub where Wesley tells them he's found a rare "Loxley Lozenge" -...
  7. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 7 1982 - 6 Programmes 1 Special Special - ALL MOD CONNED. Our trio are going away for Christmas this year and its all been organised by Foggy, so you can guess the outcome. After borrowing ·Wally's motorbike coat to cover Compo up they go to the cafe for a cuppa before Sid drives them...
  8. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SERIES 6 - 1981 - 7 Programmes 1 Special. Special: "WHOOPS" Compo reminds Foggy and Clegg that its nearly Christmas but they can't get into the mood for it. After a visit to the cafe they go to try to find two of their old school friends. First, there's "Chuffer" Enright who used to be famous...
  9. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SPECIAL - SMALL TUNE ON A PENNY WASSAIL. Its Christmas Day but Compo is bored' and Clegg doesn't like Christmas, so Foggy takes them to the hospital to visit Edgar and cheer him up. Whilst at the hospital Compo shows them his watch which you can see in the dark, and demonstrates this by getting...
  10. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SEASON 4. 1977. 7 PROGRAMMES 1 SPECIAL. 1. FERRET COME HOME. Why are Compo and Wally outside Nora Batty's? Compo has lost one of his ferrets and believes it may be in Nora's house. After an altercation with Nora's yardbrush its off to the cafe where Sid won't part with a paper napkin. Back home...
  11. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SEASON 3. 1976. 7 PROGRAMMES. 1. THE MAN FROM OSWESTRY. "Tea or coffee?" Sid asks Compo as another day in the cafe begins. This is no ordinary day as Compo and Sid find out when Clegg reads a letter he has received from Cyril Blamire. Today is the day that 'Foggy' Dewhurst arrives on the scene...
  12. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    SEASON 2. 1974. 7 EPISODES. 1. FORKED LIGHTNING. details: After various accidents with his bicycle Clegg decides to get it repaired, so at the cafe they let Sid have a try. Sid being unsuccessful Clegg decides to take the bike back to Huddersfield where he bought it 30 years ago. Well, you...
  13. cornishman

    Snowdonia - off-piste

    Just seen in the news that the highest ever recorded visitor numbers yesterday on Snowdonia national park. Standing room only! I can see the logic, escape from the city and visit the countryside for a bit of isolation, well it's had the opposite effect apparently. Me, well I've chosen a couple...
  14. cornishman

    Episode Bio's from Rod Tickner

    Massive thanks to Rod Tickner and all his hard work compiling this information, I spent some time scanning all the pages then sent it to Tony to compile into a suitable format for the website, it is a great synopsis covering many of the episodes, enjoy. I will try to get one series per post...
  15. cornishman

    Made me Laugh

    I'm pretty sure they ship globally. Check out THIS page on their site.
  16. cornishman

    Made me Laugh

    I used to use Whittards of Chelsea for my Russian Caravan but changed to the Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company which were a little more economical and, in my opinion, better quality,
  17. cornishman

    Made me Laugh

    Give me my Russian Caravan tea every time. At least it has flavour!
  18. cornishman

    Yet another continuity issue (Curing of Mr. Helliwell)

    Noticed this irregularity, first image of the door to Goff's bedroom from the outside, second image of door from inside his bedroom.
  19. cornishman

    Alexa, spontaneous outbursts!

    I have one of those Alexa dot thingy's, and changed the settings so it answers to the word "computer" instead of "alexa" This morning I was mumbling away, trying to get something to work on my machine and obviously mumbled the word "computer, followed by some unprintable curses which included...
  20. cornishman

    Still another reason NOT to use AVG or Avast!

    Just seen THIS on TheRegister