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  1. cornishman

    Totally unrelated

    Found a quote from a worried person on "The Register" site: I'd be thinking to pull that chain (London undergrounders'll know what I mean)
  2. cornishman


    What Pearl said, this thread is locked.
  3. cornishman

    How big!

  4. cornishman

    How big!

    So, I like my roasted vegetables, you know, parsnips and carrots. So I saw that Waitrose do a ready to roast selection, yep you got it, parsnips and carrots. The price for these were £2.59 for enough to feed two (thats one of me!). Then I thought economy and finally decided to order three each...
  5. cornishman

    Hello from the Dark Peak.

    A very warm welcome friend :D
  6. cornishman

    Gold award from Google :D

    Terry and I have discussed this. One idea was for me to retire from the mainstream, so to speak (give up all the other web sites I host) and leave me with a baby host with only summerwine, that way I can relax and take things calmly. Another idea I have thought about is to hand everything over...
  7. cornishman

    Gold award from Google :D

    Well, I would never have believed it but Google have awarded our forums with a gold cup, or put another way a slap around the face on the back! See image. It make me feel good because of all the work it takes Terry and I to make it "Google Friendly" which I can assure you is no easy task.
  8. cornishman

    Happy Birthday Tony

    So very many thanks for all your wonderful wishes. Especially appreciate your HP reference Pearl, my very favourite books/movies of all time :D
  9. cornishman

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year to you all :01::01::01::01:
  10. cornishman

    Those dark evenings

    On these dark evening I enjoy gazing out the window and watching the lower car park, wierd I hear you all say. Well, it resembles a particularly frenetic American TV cop show, with what looks like hundreds of blue lights flashing, tearing around the car park! It seems all the local dog walkers...
  11. cornishman

    Expensive, well not so much

    I will always remember upgrading my Atari STE to a WHOPPING 512Kb with a price to match.
  12. cornishman

    Expensive, well not so much

    So the new Apple Mac Pro was finally released this week and a couple of comparisons on pricing have been made by one of the tech websites. We all know that Apple computers are expensive but how about this If you tick all the boxes when selecting your machine your new Mac Pro will set you back up...
  13. cornishman

    Yet another reason to avoid so-called free antivirus'

    It's not the fact that they "phone home", a lot of softwares do, it's the underhand and secretive way that they do it, at the same time saying "who ME?"
  14. cornishman

    Yet another reason to avoid so-called free antivirus'

    Just been reading that both AVG and Avast are phoning home with far more info on you, the user than is good (for you! ) All the more reason to spend a couple of quid (average of £35.00 (UK) annually)
  15. cornishman

    Hard Drive, is it really One Terabyte?

    Stumbled upon this: and if I was confused before, I sure as hell am now!
  16. cornishman

    A puzzler just for Terry

    'bout bloody time!!!
  17. cornishman

    A puzzler just for Terry

    Right, a railway question: What has Shrewsbury got the largest one of in the World?
  18. cornishman

    4K/UHD of LOSW Episodes

    I remember that the last few series were filmed in UHD, so maybe.....