Sad news indeed. He had some great bits in Dads Army. I particularly liked the episode where he had a girlfriend who was very softly spoken, My British Buddy.
They’re great to walk along, especially when you get to a cut or a high ridge. The station at Bakewell is still there and you walk between the two platforms as you can see in the photo’s.
We took some bikes last time we camped in Hurdlow in the Peak District, the distance you can get relatively...
Well I can feel that things are starting to move in the right direction as I’m not coming home in the dark now and get about 30 minutes of late daylight before it goes dark(4.50)
Working outside I love the Autumn /Winter but the long dark nights are a bit of a pain especially when I have things...
I’ve mentioned it on here before but love Went The Day Well with a very young Thora Hird starring in it.
Hammer and Amicus films also feature in my film viewing along with films such as The London Nobody Knows, Hell Is A City, Saturday Night Sunday Morning, The Loneliness Of The Long Distance...
While out walking the woof locally this afternoon I had a look around the old Victorian bottle tip and picked up a few that were lying about. Whoever is digging it is obviously after the really rare one’s as there’s hundreds of less valuable (£5-20)ones just lying around on the surface. I...
Sally Anne Mathews has a break of 23 years in Coronation Street before returning. I think there’s probably quite a few in soap operas including a few who came back from the dead!!
Maybe just new posts if the panels aren’t too damaged. Bung a new piece on the end , job done.
Not too bad here last night, it feels windier tonight to be honest.
Brilliant, I’m going to have to go and watch his Jack The Ripper Tour episode now as it was one of my favourites.
How about Frankie Vaughan crooning about Stockport.. used to be in Cheshire but got gobbled up by Manchester!!
Ahh, that’s the Manchester I used to love ;) It’s unrecognisable now.
I had to go to a client in some new apartments near the Arena the other week and I came in from Salford. I knew where I was but everything had changed since I was last there. The few old buildings I remembered were there but...
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