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  1. M

    Local knowledge

    GET A DOG !!!!!......WE CAN'T LIVE ON CATFOOD !!!!!
  2. M

    Still nothing..

    Never mind those East German and Russian shot putters and Javelin throwers !!!......those "big fine lasses" from Yorkshire would have won the Gold Medal for Arm Wrestling at every Olympic Games !!!....and forget "God save our King" !!!....let's have "OUR TUNE" blasting from the loud speakers...
  3. M

    Still nothing..

    I have been thinking......our Smiler had no luck with Hermione or Bessy.....and didn't they both beat him at arm wrestling ?........and it seems to me that arm wrestling was a popular pastime between the sexes in our favourite place.......Nora beat Wally's Dad and the two "show girls" who Auntie...
  4. M

    Bad Weather

    I have just come inside.....I have been standing on the Quay.....supervising the discharge of a vessel.....the rain has been dripping off my shnozzer since 6am !!!...the wind is that strong we had to stop discharging because the crane was wobbling !!!...I am drenched down to my fancy boxer...
  5. M

    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    I don't think our velvet tongued lothario had got to grips with the "physical side" Maltrab !!!.......because he showed her that picture on THEIR HONEYMOON !!!.
  6. M

    Bad Weather

    Oh to live in the wonderful joyous warm comfy world of "Summerwineland" because as we all know.....although we see the roads and lanes are wet from a Yorkshire downpour or two it very seldom rains when our heroes are out and fact.....can my fellow Summerwine family members please...
  7. M

    For the Love of Summerwine.

  8. M

    Auntie Wainwrights great Givaway

    I would take the giant stuffed red Macaw that sat on Compo's shoulder in the had magical powers that enabled our scruffy hero to sing exactly like julio Igleeoarsis.....sorry...I mean Iglesias !!!!. X!
  9. M

    Four Legged friends in Summerwine land

    Mabel......the "treasure" from the guest house in Scarborough had a face like a bull dog chewing a wasp !!!.....does that count ?. X!.
  10. M

    Name the Songs on this Album

    A song borrowed from my favourite group in all the world [with one word change] !!!........"Heaven Knows WE'RE miserable now ".
  11. M

    Nora Batty

    That reminds me WellyMan.... The scene in the cafe after it's "complete redecoration"....... IVY : "Do you find your husband boring ?"..... NORA : "OH YES !!!..........WE'VE A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR".......
  12. M

    Howard being brave - or foolhardy?

    Talking of vampires......remember Eli dressed as Dracula.....when he sprang through Auntie's door being all menacing and blood thirsty......asking Auntie "HOW DO I LOOK ?"...even Smiler dressed as a court jester looked scared !!!!!! is the first time I have ever seen a vampire on...
  13. M

    Ivy would appreciate

    Talking of "honey bun" I remember Howard calling Pearl "honeybun" which Pearl replied [very loudly ]...."DON'T YOU HONEYBUN ME !!!!!!!". x!
  14. M

    Four Legged friends in Summerwine land

    A Yorkshire Terrier mate. X!
  15. M

    Four Legged friends in Summerwine land

    The one doggy that our trained killer WOULD NOT HAVE would be a scruffy mongrel !!! would remind him too much of our moth eaten hero Compo !!.
  16. M

    Howard and the Missing Pearl

    Winefan my sound like Pearl's brief during a particularly nasty divorce settlement.... It is only "our show"....make believe.....written by Roy to enable us to escape reality..... to a world where no one gets hurt or killed. The Howard and Marina situation WORKED for decades for...
  17. M

    Summerwine in Lockdown

    There would have definitely been flashing blue lights at number 28 after a reported homicide !!!.......if Smiler was still a lodger at Nora's she would not have had the opportunity to throw him out so he could "get some fresh air" or "enjoy himself" or get a barrow of tatties and them little...
  18. M

    How did she "pop the question" ????????

    I have been thinking.......after telling our trio that "she's my pigeon !!!!.....I've raised her from an egg" everyone descends on Ivy's.... During the conversation Ivy exclaims...." I'm surprised at a married man !!!",to which Wally replies "I was surprised !!.....BUT HAVE YOU EVER...
  19. M

    It could have all ended in 1994

    If that would have happened Harold should have been jailed for crimes against humanity !!!....imagine......all those lost years...those lost laughs....those lost adventures......and even more importantly.....our chance to say "goodbye" to the most wonderful,game,loyal,mad,scruffy,urchin on God's...
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    Elegy for Fallen Wellies

    It is heart breaking Graham......people have short memories...and selective memories. My wife and I visited a very trendy ladies clothes shop on our last visit...we are both really into fashion and the lady who owned the shop made a lovely comment about my Moncler coat. When I thanked her she...