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    happy birthday hope you have had good day so far
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    bill owen and peter sallis on noel edmonds house party

    No worrys saw and episode guide on Google yesterday then I searched YouTube for it took me a while but glad I did would have been nice for Brian wilde to be in it but Peter and Bill more then made up for it
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    bill owen and peter sallis on noel edmonds house party

    thats true he must of done dont think the ones who ran noels house party could pull it off
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    bill owen and peter sallis on noel edmonds house party

    i have found this episode of bill and peter in character on noels house party and appear from about 18:55 on the video when the doorbell rings NOEL’S HOUSE PARTY (BBC ONE - Season 2: Episode 7 / 05.12.92) - YouTube
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    Same old BBC.....

    An absolute disgrace bbc don't care about the show
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    BBC 4 To show The secret birthday of Norman clegg on 2nd february

    BBC 4 are showing The secret birthday of norman clegg on the 2nd Februaryat 8pm and wallace and grommit is on after this is due to the fact that peter sallis would have been 100 on the 1st ,i dont think BBC have shown an episode on a main station since the show ended it will be nice to see an...
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    jokes bad or otherwise.

    I'm sick of my mates complaining about the price of things - £1.25 for a tea, £1.75 for a coffee, £2.25 for a slice of cake, £2.50 to park the car - if they don't like it then stop coming round my house !
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    COVID Vaccine.

    not sure when i will get mine with being 25 and no underlying health conditions probably march or april
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    Snow - Where?

    not even a drop where i am in Manchester near the city centre
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    Geoffrey Palmer

    he also made a few appearances in doctor who such a sad loss
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    A Sad loss - Margaret Nolan

    sad news just checked imdb and she played connie who was chip simmonites wife in pate and chips
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    sorry for your loss
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    Why was Ivy confused or shocked?

    wasnt truly going to be a sort of short term character until brian came back? but then it came out the he wasnt returning so frank thornton joined permeant at least thats what i have heard. , i also felt as if some of the episodes in that series didnt have time to be rewritten so therefore truly...
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    Learning the business

    Millburn was a legend 'its not a frock it's a catering overall'
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    I remember foggy saying to compo in one episode 'the biggest help we had is the fact that you never left England '
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    On the subject of Seymour it was also established in the prequel first of the summer wine that Seymour also worked at the co-op
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    Favourite Eli mishap

    The one where he goes into that hut in the quarry then the men detonate the TNT explosive and Eli comes out and says blimey that was a close one
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    Aunties Shop.

    My guess is either charity shops or homes of crew possibly ?
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    Aunties Shop.

    She once had a small black cab replica statue/ornament on a shelf what I liked