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  1. Barrychuckle

    Observation Quiz #1

    It took Roger nearly 15 mins to get the answer, I'm worried his knowledge may be slipping ;) On a separate note I wonder if that poster was from the Props dept and used in the other episode(s)?
  2. Barrychuckle

    Salute the rank not the man!

    I don't know how I could be so gullible early in the day!
  3. Barrychuckle


    Love it!
  4. Barrychuckle

    Salute the rank not the man!

    I didn't know that, I'm guessing that's where the name for the SOAH character came from!
  5. Barrychuckle

    Observation Quiz #1

    I've just checked and as you can see both Pearl & I are both technically correct :p
  6. Barrychuckle

    Observation Quiz #1

    Ok I'm going for a wild guess, was it in the police station in The Bandit From Stoke On Trent?
  7. Barrychuckle

    Observation Quiz #1

    That's really tricky! That said that is a very dated poster so I'm guessing it was in the earlier portion of the show if that gives anyone a clue!
  8. Barrychuckle

    What kept you?

    Thank you ever so much for this John! Just shows there are a few gems in the latter episodes :)
  9. Barrychuckle


    Quite a few shops in England accept Scottish notes in my experience. All the banks take them too.
  10. Barrychuckle

    First class prat

    I'm pretty sure that's at his Barbados mansion, I'm sure lockdown wasn't too tough for him :D
  11. Barrychuckle

    Aren't councils silly!

    We'd certainly be up the Khyber if this were to be more widespread and we certainly wouldn't be able to Carry on with our conveniences then.....
  12. Barrychuckle

    First class prat

    Great to see a Blamire post thank you John! Do you ever post Hobbo captions, can't recall seeing one of those? but perhaps it's not an era you're fond of
  13. Barrychuckle

    Salute the rank not the man!

    I'm ever so honoured to finally receive my Captains pips from Colonel Bartlam! But as administrators we all know our place under the watchful command of Field Marshal Pearl ..............
  14. Barrychuckle

    Aren't councils silly!

    I used to use the loos at BNS quite frequently, a pal showed me if you pulled back the turnstiles slightly rather than push them forward you could get in for free! I saved a fortune using that technique over the years ;)
  15. Barrychuckle

    Aren't councils silly!

    20p to spend a penny!!!!???
  16. Barrychuckle

    Happy Birthday Sir David Jason

    Can't imagine The Royal Bodyguard will feature on this list :D
  17. Barrychuckle

    Did Howard retire to Benidorm?

    Just returned from a trip to Benidorm and spotted this restaurant and wondered whether it was a nod to our series or did Howard retire there to open a restaurant devoted to one of his true loves?
  18. Barrychuckle

    Have Patience...

    Thank goodness it wasn't a washout
  19. Barrychuckle

    Shops no more....

    Remember those shops which used to contain massive buckets of everything like rice, pasta, sugar etc. You used to fill a bag with whatever you wanted. I recall they were quite common in the 90's but not seen one for a long while.
  20. Barrychuckle

    Shops no more....

    With the very odd exception in a handful of towns, camera shops are largely a thing of the past.