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  1. Peripheral

    50 Years of Summer Wine...

    That is a great idea Mashi, regardless of which year it is. A lot will depend of course on the covid situation. I wouldn't be able to attend because of my mobility problems. I could, of course, see you all by means of the camera outside the CAFE, providing that it is put back into working order...
  2. Peripheral

    Foggy's house

    Does anyone know anything about Foggy's house? Last night, while watching 'Phantom of the graveyard', he came out of a house, 'Arnold Crescent'? and appeared to lock the door. If that was his abode, was it his own house or was he a lodger? If the said property did belong to Foggy then who did...
  3. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    :D About the video I am posting. It is short, 36 seconds, and involves two of our favourite Summer Wine characters. I am sure that all SW members will smile, especially our own Pearl. I could write a book about the time and problems this has taken but, worry ye not, I am not going to bore you...
  4. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    My aunty Gertrude, the old biddy I told you about in my last posting is, as I mentioned, about to try and raise £2 : 47p by putting her girdle on back to front and pushing a frozen pea up the north face of the Eiger with her nose. Regretfully, I have to tell you that her efforts seem to have...
  5. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    Hello everybody. My postings are now at 1,989. That means I only have ten more emails to send before I reach my 2,000 mark. Just a minute, that can't be right......when I post this one it will only leave .... err leave..... Hang on a minute while I get my socks off. I really must get my toe...
  6. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    Not to worry Terry. I will do as you say and post it via Youtube. Thanks for your consideration and advice. I will post it either tomorrow, Sunday, or Monday. :17:
  7. Peripheral

    Laughter track

    I love that phrase Barry, 'they all blur into one'. I have that trouble but in my case it's not the episodes of Summer Wine, it's my ex wives. I'm doing a census next year.:25:
  8. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    I had considered using Youtube Terry but the film's characters are two of the cast and I just wanted to share it with true Summer Winers. It's only a short clip and runs for 36 seconds. Its capacity is 33 megabytes. It is very funny. Is it too big to be posted directly into your forums? Peri.
  9. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    Thanks for the idea of the gauntlets Graham. I used to have this problem undoing bra straps but I no longer have that complaint, I stopped wearing bras. :35:
  10. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    Thanks Captain.
  11. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    The film is almost complete. All I need to know now is, how does this 'DOF' {Doddering Old Fart} post the film on theses pages????????:oops:
  12. Peripheral

    The best is yet to come.

    This is just a brief note to let you know that I am working on something very special. Unfortunately, due to my failing memory and dexterity, the project is very time consuming. I do, however, hope to post this gem in the next few days. I would like to make it my 2,000th posting. A few more...
  13. Peripheral


    Mmm, good question Marianna. Maybe the plant leaf had headlights.:cool2:
  14. Peripheral


    You are spot on there Moody. I agree, our Nora would make a superb Jaws.
  15. Peripheral


    Hey Marianna, that looks like a big black fin to me. Could they be making another Jaws film? Who do you think will be playing the part of Jaws? :eek2::12::13:
  16. Peripheral

    Station Road Cam

    I get the same film on the Station Road cam which has never changed since I joined. The Holmfirth cam does not update every ten seconds like it used to. Anyone out there know what's what? :12::13:
  17. Peripheral

    Summer Wine Limericks

    OOPS. Last line should be And made him look like he was covered in blusher :mad:
  18. Peripheral

    Summer Wine Limericks

    A hefty young fella was Crusher He was Ivy's courtyard brusher But he didn't like the frock It was as tight as a sock And made look like he was covered in blusher :mad:
  19. Peripheral

    Summer Wine Limericks

    Life at the cafe Sid and Ivy live near the mills Selling good food to fill up their tills Sid is jolly and a bit stout But Ivy glares and often does shout What the blood and 'stomach pills' o_O
  20. Peripheral

    Summer Wine Limericks

    Ladies coffee morning The chat was of the male gender And Pearl was on a real bender When asked who was sexed Pearl really got vexed Edie said 'Drink your coffee' to Glenda :29: