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  1. toodlepip

    In shock

    Fantastic!!! Fingers crossed for the results!
  2. toodlepip

    Loxley Lozange

    For me it´s also the little moment when the lozenge is unveiled for the first time and Cleggy can´t suppress a cough :D. They left it in, but it was clearly not deliberately. There are a few more situations of that season when I have a feeling that Peter might have had a little cold.
  3. toodlepip

    When you are losing an animal...

    I usually avoid any thoughts in this direction. The worst was when my first cat died, she was about 15 or 16 years and never ill, but got diabetes and died in less than a year. She was very bad towards the end and we were desperate to find another vet who knew more about such things and we found...
  4. toodlepip

    Happy Birthday Forum

    Happy Birthday to the forum and thank you to Terry!
  5. toodlepip

    Clumsy Cleggy

    LOL, I kind of sympathise, I´m the same, I´m always the one to drop stuff, trip or bang my head etc. etc., some of us just are like that.
  6. toodlepip

    Happy Birthday Claye

    Oh sorry, I missed it! Happy Birthday, Claye :) :) :)! I hope you had a nice one!
  7. toodlepip

    flippin heck it's cold

    We are below freezing point, we were well below it last night, and it has been snowing all day very gently, but tomorrow we will get a good load. It is astonishing, it is still winter, not spring, and we are all fed up. The snowdrops and crocuses are out, that´s all. If you can find them under...
  8. toodlepip

    Peter Sallis photo

    No. I have a lot of inside knowledge by now, but of course I mustn´t reveal things that Peter has not made public. He has always been very private and I respect that ;).
  9. toodlepip

    Clumsy Cleggy

    I think if we look closely we will see a lot of little lapses like that. There was one episode when Cleggy stumbled into a hole when they were on the hills, and he actually turned round quickly to see if the same thing was happening to Foggy as well. In the Canoe episode we see Compo treading...
  10. toodlepip

    Peter Sallis photo

    Was? ;D Sadly I have to inject a sour note here, this is from an interview: "Peter tells me he lived in Potters Bar for six years before he divorced and has good memories of Hertfordshire."
  11. toodlepip

    Cleggy singing.

    In Baker Street his solo number was considered the best as far as I know, not necessarily because he was the one singing it, but the lyrics and the song itself. Yes, he has done these three musicals and he remembers them fondly, especially Baker Street and She Loves Me. There is a TV version of...
  12. toodlepip

    Wesley's music?

    Funny you should say that, I have always compared that sort of music with the sound of tools in a workshop or factory :D! I´m not suited for my generation music-wise, to me all this is just noise, unpleasant noise.
  13. toodlepip

    My internet and phone keep breaking down

    Ahhh, we still have no telephone, since last Friday :o :o :o! Thank god the internet is working, but the phones are all dead and the company´s hotline is useless, my father called them umpteen times (by mobile, so it is expensive) and nobody is responsible, they keep saying they will forward the...
  14. toodlepip

    In shock

    Wonderful news!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
  15. toodlepip

    Tony Capstick

    Indeed you can hear the accent, I´m having quite a job to understand any of that.
  16. toodlepip

    We demand a Knighthood for Cleggy

    Yes, partly, strange somehow to think, but we love your Royals anyway.
  17. toodlepip

    In shock

    It´s getting better and better, minxie! We´re hoping for more good news soon :) :) :) :) :) :)!
  18. toodlepip

    We demand a Knighthood for Cleggy

    The Bundesverdienstkreuz ;D. My online dictionary tells me it´s Federal Cross of Merit in English. There also seem to be different stages of it, as in MBE, OBE and so on, but I´m no expert on these. Oh no, loooool, I just saw the Queen has also got one...
  19. toodlepip

    We demand a Knighthood for Cleggy

    Well, to me this is all Greek anyway, all that tradition and honour and whatnot. It´s all a bit strange to people who don´t live in such a system. I can think of only one honour here in Germany at the moment, and this is given very rarely.
  20. toodlepip

    Colour of Skin

    I think the only one who got a bit tanned occasionally was Peter Sallis, but blue-eyed Brian Wilde and Bill Owen didn´t so much, particularly Brian Wilde. But I´m just the same, you can put me in the tropics for four weeks and almost nothing happens (have done that, not holiday, but excursion...